Five Ways Approach

I always love to see Ron Paul fans!!
I would love to get myself a fiveway walktoBiz sheet with all the ways I could help out, and then have a disclaimer for the people who are already covered, that better plans and cheaper rates have come out, and for me to help them save around 30percent.
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I just wonder if that fivewayflyer is productive for the employees, whereas a walkandtalk health flyer is for everyone, i wonder if there is a fiveway for the business employee as well....
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Yes, I've been to the topgun site since starting this thread. There are some really good posters on there talking about life ins. Good place to lurk and read, but that rick blaine character is a real bag of ass gas. No wonder people stopped posting there.

Markie G. Glad you found this thread, it was good to reread it and see how far I have come.

I'm not using the 5 ways as much as I should, but whenever I am in a franchise or corp owned business, I make a point of asking the person who assisted me "Who handles your paycheck continuation if you get sick or hurt and are unable to work?" (credit to c. beckwith.)

Gotta love DI! 60% fyc with 5-7% trail 10 year.

Topgunproducers is very tightly ran, constructed along a military theme, and Rick does have his moments. I think he is especially hard on newcomers in an attempt to weedout spammers, pikers, and posting riffraff. It must work because there is not too much garbage to wade through. If you want to learn Life Insurance there isn't a better site.
Topgunproducers is very tightly ran, constructed along a military theme, and Rick does have his moments. I think he is especially hard on newcomers in an attempt to weedout spammers, pikers, and posting riffraff. It must work because there is not too much garbage to wade through. If you want to learn Life Insurance there isn't a better site.

The guy who runs it has to be a mental case. And as for being a place to learn... well I don't know. Most of the traffic is the owner's foul mouth ranting about how only HE knows this business. Does anyone know his actual credentials? And the military theme? I think it is silly... but it seems to appeal to lots of agents.

That is strange to me because in my long experience in the biz world I've found that most ex-career military guys don't do well in sales. They make good executives and good middle managers because they are used to a structured environment where orders are given and orders are followed (well at least sometimes... Eisenhower could never adjust to the White House... never figured out why when he gave an order it "got lost" somewhere in the bureaucracy!)

Sales requires a different skill-set than the military. You need to be more open-minded, more tolerant of different opinions, and more open to people of different races, cultures, and backgrounds... and especially open to divergent opinions and ideas. You don't get much of that in the military... indeed a military of sales-guys couldn't function. You follow orders or you will end up dead (Who said "A thinking marine is a dead marine"? I know Napoleon said "If an army could think... it would run away.")

My first job was a school teacher in West Virginia in 1969. I taught the whole 8th grade in an 8 room school. The guy who taught the 7th grade had spent 10 or 12 years in the military (many in Vietnam.) He was a terrible teacher. He just could not deal with kids who thought so differently from him. They were all hippie wanna-be's (at that age) and he was a crew-cut, ship-shape all-American. We told him he had to loosen up and "go with the flow." He spent the first half of the year in total frustration. He was a super-nice guy and we felt badly for him.

However, around January the principal (who was a nice lady but she never got anything done) fell ill and the superintendent tapped this guy to run the school.

Wow. He was great. He organized schedules, got us (and kids) better school lunches, got us movie projectors... he knew how to work in a bureaucracy. He kept his nose out our classrooms letting us teach... but if a kid acted up and we sent him to the principal, the kid came back ready to work... the guy had a natural (or military) ability to lead and motivate. His only failure was that he could not understand why the kinds wanted to wear bell bottoms or long hair or were against the war. We tried to get him to open his mind a bit... but we were never successful.

We loved the guy... we wanted him to run the whole damn district. He was fair, he was honest, and his word was law... which was fine with us... so long as he didn't sit in our classes and try to judge us... which he never did. He often told us he'd rather drive the tank then teach someone how.

He was a terrific administrator. He listened to the teachers but his word was law... which was fine with us. He did his job and left us to do ours. The kids didn't much like him, but back then principals were there to serve the needs of the staff... not the kids. It's different today... as are the kids.

When I worked for Ross Perot (who hired many, many ex-Vietnam officers) I noticed that none of the ex-military were in sales. He always hired liberal arts majors for that.

Anyway, just a few thoughts on the subject. YMMV... and if they do... try to do it civilly. I know there are a bunch of ex non-coms and former officer personnel here who are probably pitching a fit over this post... but that is how I see it. If I were on the board of directors of a company I'd like an ex-career military guy to be my CEO... but I don't want him out there talking with customers!! We all know how personable your average ex-marine DI is!!!! (Think Agent Gibbs on NCIS!) :D
The guy who runs it has to be a mental case. And as for being a place to learn... well I don't know. Most of the traffic is the owner's foul mouth ranting about how only HE knows this business. Does anyone know his actual credentials? And the military theme? I think it is silly... but it seems to appeal to lots of agents. ..........:D

If you want to learn life insurance and selling TGP is THE PLACE to learn as far as I am concerned. It has helped me immensely. From it I have also learned about many of the greats in this business. This has allowed me to read and/or listened to Savage, Feldman, Murray, Meisel, and others. I didn't even know who they were before.
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I still haven't gotten an email back from these turds at topgun telling me why I can't register. They should know that I sell insurance and that if I am nothing else...I AM PERSISTENT!!! If they don't want me emailing 1500 times a day they should just answer me LOL.
I tried joining top gun. The owner was a nut. I tried 3 times to join, but I forgot to enter my lic number and the owner told me I was stupid for forgetting and I never tried again. The owner was a real ass, and I have better things to do with my time. He thinks that forum is like the army.
Thanks for Tom for bringing this thread back to life. I've been talking to lots of businesses without much success and reading this thread provided me with food for thought. Most of the owners that I've encountered were part of the young families market that I like to target and I would like to offer them a lot more.

Any of you care to share an example of a 5-ways flyer? Please send me a pm and thanks in advance.

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