Well you responded to me but you didn't answer the only question I asked. Who is JSA?

And your response to the rest was confusing. You said Todd is under other IMOs with some of his contracts but direct with others. And you are under other IMOs with some of your contracts but direct with others. But you are bigger and agents need bigger?
Thought only men got involved in the "bigger" argument? :wideeyed:
Well you responded to me but you didn't answer the only question I asked. Who is JSA?

And your response to the rest was confusing. You said Todd is under other IMOs with some of his contracts but direct with others. And you are under other IMOs with some of your contracts but direct with others. But you are bigger and agents need bigger?

Jack Schroeder & Associates. Been around a while. Pretty good FMO as far as I know.
Don't choose Gordon Marketing. There, see, no spam! But we will say that JSA is AMAZING and would be a good choice. TR King is not an FMO in the sense that JSA and we are. Large distributors have tens of thousands of agents in all 50 states and the top tier contracts with most carriers. The title "FMO" is almost useless.

FMO/IMO/NMA: the actual name is a royal mind game on agents so that you won't know who is actually at the top of the contract unless you research that company's structure.

For example, we have the top national contract with Mutual of Omaha, Level 9 and we are called a GA. We have the top national contract with Anthem and are called a FMO. With North American Life we are IMO, with Medico the top level is FMO. But with Humana we are called a MGA. With United Healthcare the top level is NMA, which we are and so is JSA. Todd might be a "FMO" with UHC, but that is not to the top level. He may have one top tier contract, but there are only a handful of companies that have all the national contracts.

Not that you need to be with the top of the hierarchy, and contracting with agencies at GA, MGA, SGA etc can be a great fit for your needs. Just keep in mind that when you contract with someone in the middle of the hierarchy, the contract on the top controls. If you are under X and he is under Amerilife, and you want a release later. X may say "sure thing", but Amerilife may veto the release. X has no authority with the carriers, he must go through his upline, Amerilife.

New agents don't figure this maze out for years and then feel duped that no one explained it when they were contracting. To add another layer to it, many of us national FMO/IMO/NMAs go under each other for certain contracts. We have large FMOs under us and we go under them, when it is beneficial.

It's okay that you are wrong about most of this. You just don't know what you don't know, do you? But, you really shouldn't comment on things you don't know.

Once again though, I will ask you where I said you don't have top contracts? Please point it out. If you can't, then please be a grown up for once and stop this slander.
I get that feeling from them when I chatted with them. I feel like they would be a great resource of help to have. Just still not sure since the other two have been pretty good in answering my questions and giving me great answers.
I vote for this guy. Honest AND humble. :yes:

I've worked with a number of IMO's, including Ritter. I don't know about JSA, @Medicare Momma acts pretty shitty (as you can see on this thread) which is Gordon, and every interaction I've had with Daecy, Matt, and Todd has been professional and they treat people like family.

Do you, but I appreciate "small time" Todd and his team.
I've got a buddy that has some contracts under JSA for Medicare products. He seems pleased with them. I have one contract under Todd King, and won't hesitate to get more as the need arises. He's a straight shooter and very much agent focused. No experience with Gordon, but some of their YouTube videos are funny, so there is that!:1laugh: