Free Backlinks!

No that site is not. It was for a mlm program I was stupid enough to waste time and money on a few years back. I made no money from it so I dropped it the site was

I did a google search for the url and it gave some links for it, for those who don't believe me. Check it out. It doesn't give much but there are still some links to it. I figured it would have died off by now but there it is. - Google Search
not too bad, how high page rank are the backlinks

They seem to be pretty good. I only posted one article when I had the site running and it put my site in the number one spot on google for the keyword. I can't remember the key word. And it put me in the number 3 spot on yahoo.

I'm not saying this is a magical backlink tool and the only one you should use. But it is a good support for your site and it is free. They have a paid version but I have never used it. The free version should do just fine. I still have not had enough time to post an article yet on the site but as soon as I can I will and let you know the details.

If you have more questions just click the link and they can explain their site wauy better than I could.