Free Website & Listing

I was giving this some more thought today on this topic. I think I'll just do a series of personal videos in a sequential order to those who sign up for my newsletters. It sure is a whole lot easier than writing articles!

I've already got a list of over 12 different topics and I'll probably expand that to 24... so I can do some drip-marketing twice a month for a year on top of sending out some newsletters and/or articles that I find.
Good stuff Dan. Might have to steal some of it.

Been thinking about video marketing for a year.

Still thinking.

Just haven't felt confident enough to produce one yet. Way too many cheesy, boring ones out there by insurance agents.

Did you produce these yourself or hire someone? What software did you use?

You have done so well I hate to even offer this, but I don't see anything about you on Google+. I get a fair amount of traffic because of posts I put on G+

Won't hurt to push some of your posts to G+
Thank you!

I created the video myself using BlueBerry FlashBack Express software (FREE) here:
Blueberry Software - Home of the BB FlashBack Screen Recorder

I haven't done much of ANYTHING with Google+. However, the reason you may not have found me is because my name is David, not Dan. :)

I have 2 YouTube channels - one for my personal/business... and the other is for a church endeavor that I've created just for that.

This is my personal channel here:

I have only 3 followers & 845 views.

This is my other channel here:

I have 770 subscribers and 154,745 views. This channel's videos has been shared THOUSANDS of times using Google+. It might be worth exploring for my personal channel, but we'll see. (Due to the nature of content of my larger channel, I'm not going to be adding business material to it. It needs to keep with the content it has.)

Anyway, I've only personally produced the one so far. It's exactly how I would take a client through an appointment if they were right in front of me and not saying anything! :) I've got quite a few ideas that won't be hard to produce.

I think that the retirement software I use really helps because it pulls you into the conversation to see how the picture changes with each field. However, in my next few, I'm planning to use a couple of PDF files I've got as well as create some short Power Point slides to help enhance the topics.
However, the reason you may not have found me is because my name is David, not Dan.

Sorry, I get you and your evil twin mixed up sometimes.

And thanks for the other info as well.

your friend,
Bill (aka somarco)
David, I thought of you when reading this earlier today. If you are not interested I will pass this on to your evil twin Dan.

Jeff Rose, from, uses his blog to build up his authority as a certified financial planner, driving traffic and income to his business. At the same time, his blog allows him to monetize in other more passive methods, such as affiliate marketing, online products and consulting.

To succeed at blogging, it's important that you:

Focus on writing quality content
Work hard at getting that content out there to the world
Build your email list from day one, so you can market to those people later.
Blogging is definitely not a "sit at home in your underwear and make easy money" kind of activity. It requires diligence, quality and time. However, blogging can be incredibly rewarding.

There is one common theme with all of the above methods for making side income. Do you know what it is? They all take work. That's right, you'll never achieve the kind of lifestyle you want if you don't work for it. So get out there today and start hustling. You'll be able to quit that job faster than you ever imagined.

5 Ways to Make Enough Side Money to Eventually Quit Your Job
How can I be assured that Robert Barney will not sue me 5 years later for using his software without approval?

Sorry, but as great as this sounds, I'm gonna pass.

There is no way anyone on here can assure me that I won't be sued 5 years from now.

Good luck and god bless for those of you who do get this. There was an innocent post just like this one, that I responded to back in 2007.




Danger, Will Robinson! Warning! Warning!