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Frank, how can I argue with someone who knows a lot more than me.
I dont take it the wrong way.
I am just trying to learn as much as possible from everyone, so I know what I am talking about to clients, when I have all the facts.
I appreciate your input very much.

Frank, how can I argue with someone who knows a lot more than me.
I dont take it the wrong way.
I am just trying to learn as much as possible from everyone, so I know what I am talking about to clients, when I have all the facts.
I appreciate your input very much.



Give me a call and maybe I can at least help you get pointed in the right direction. You won't even need to send me a bottle of Opus. ;)
Frank, I spoke to you a few months ago, and you also helped me...

Gerry, are you now using Frank's Your Insurance Office? Has it helped? What is your opinion of YIO? A good contact management program is an invaluable tool.
Aw come on, padthai, I was taught that nothing is free---TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)!

You're right about that, I can't count the wasted hours spent reading posts by idiots and smart-holes; override whores and other parasites wanting our money.:)

Tequila would be good, a sipping tequila, however a couple of bottles of Opus would be preferred. :biggrin:

Since I already have ACT!, you will have to settle for tequila.:cool:
This video backs up your earlier point (below).. that MA plans will be going away..

Med Supps up until now have pretty much been a rural sale. However, as Rick just pointed out that may come to a screeching halt. Rick isn't the only one who believes that. I have talked to veteran senior market agents all over the country and they also agree.

I'm convinced that we are going to see a huge explosion in Med Supp sales. Part of that explosion I believe will happen in the metro areas.

If the government stops subsidizing them they are not going to have any choice except to make drastic changes. I believe those changes will be a contributing factor that will cause people to take a much harder look at Med Supps.

It is now that agents need to begin positioning themselves to take advantage of it
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If the government stops subsidizing them they are not going to have any choice except to make drastic changes. I believe those changes will be a contributing factor that will cause people to take a much harder look at Med Supps.

It is now that agents need to begin positioning themselves to take advantage of it

I agree with the "it is now". The big question is "If"... And if then when?

Brian Tracy in his motivational tapes describes placing a frog in boiling water and the instant response the frog has to the boiling water. Then he describes placing a frog in cold water and slowly turning up the heat. The frog fails to respond to gradual change. The end result is the same. This is what is going to happen to the MA plans -- gradual change. The senior population will have no clue...

Yes, we will see a million or so disenrollments this fall. CMS has cut MA plan payments by eliminating the annual inflation payment increase. This will eliminated a million or so and not the block buster 22 million. No politician is that stupid.

I see the biggest dis-enrollments next year (fall of 2010).

So the key here is to "position" yourself;

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That sounds very unusual. I don't think I have ever had that happen, not that many calls anyway. I have never kept track but I know I talk to a lot more than 1 to 4% of the people I call.

I seem to have the best luck when I start calling around 8:30am. Lately it seems that the most successful time for me to call is between 5:37 to 8:13 pm.


I get mine from Lead Concepts. The last list I purchased I believe cost me around $100 for a list of 1,000.

I order them with incomes starting at $12,000. I think Lead Concepts has increased the lowest income they offer and it is now $15,000.