Frustrated - Case Going South Fast

This is always tough when one spouse can get it and the other can't.

I'd be interested in what others say when you either know or suspect one won't qualify and the other will and you are "pre-qualifying" the appointment or actually on the appointment and they start to object with this information.

I had something similar happen on a life case when I was a rookie agent (second month). I was working for AIL and met with a nice young couple and they were all set to buy their life insurance. I had done my pitch correctly, worked over some objections, and now they were feeling the warm fuzzies about the blanket of protection that a slightly overpriced life insurance policy with an indemnity plan would provide them. Was going through the app and somehow when I did the ratings I forgot to consider what the height and wait are. I knew this chick was fat, but the height and weight chart put her somewhere between a table 8 and a decline. I can't recall the exact numbers, but this woman would have been rated at almost twice what I had quoted her because she was so fat. I walked out without a check AND had the pleasure of telling a guy his wife was so fat an insurance company wanted to charge double. Gotta love the underwriters!
Thanks you all. I have found two other carriers (can't believe it) they may consider...we'll see. If it doesn't work out, then I have done everything I could. But of course, I can tell the client is PO'd at me like somehow I'm suppose to know what's in the doctor's file. As I said, the applications were clean.
Sometimes it is best to cut your losses and move on. I had a very similar thing happen a few months ago regarding alcohol. Ended up selling the wife because she decided to divorce the guy.
Don't get too involved in these types of cases. Your resources might be better spent finding new people who can benefit from what you do. Call these people in a year when the waves have settled.
I had a case where the husband qualified and the wife didn't. We knew it would be a tough case but she was still personally devastated when the decline came through. (They already had smaller policies in place from years ago).

She is quite bit younger than her husband and I pointed to her that LTCi really protects against loss of family assets. Having additional protection for her husband would protect that assets that may eventually be needed for her care.

She understood that argument but I suspect her reaction was more about what the decline said about the state of her health than about protection of resources.