Generate Your Own Exclusive Internet Leads!!!

One of the top 3 problems I see is when you fill out a quote request and get nothing in return, just a "thanks for submitting our form" . no live rates ...nothing, heck for Medigap you could just provide them with link to rates and apps to download and mail in.

For Health, def should resolve to a BrokersOffice / Quotit Off-Exchange / HSherpa Live Quotes Pages, same can be done with Life, Medigap, FE.
I sell personal lines, commercial lines, life, and health. I mostly advertise by pay-per-click for P&C.

For clients in CA, all leads are intergraded with my P&C carriers, to help do a quote fast for the customer when my marketer connects the prospects with my agency, but we wait to do phone calls between 5pm and 8pm Monday through Thursday and 11am and 3pm on Saturday.

As for all other states I'm licensed in, I work with a general agency for my P&C and refer all leads to them, which they quote and close while retaining ownership of the expirations and splitting all commissions with the general agency. In addition, they do all servicing for me as well for those policy holders.

As for Life and Health insurance in California, I usually schedule appointments and bring along my carriers life or health specialist to help close.

As for all other states I'm licensed in, I work with different general agencies depending on the state, when it comes to life or health and I too retain ownership of the expirations and split the commissions, while they close and service those policy holders.

I built my own system due to that I was tired of competing with other agents for the same prospect and feel like I wasting money paying anywhere on average of about $10.00 per lead and subscribing on average of 100 leads a month. Now I spend on average $3.00 per lead, that's exclusive and paying for about 100 to 200 pay per clicks a month.

I also market to preferred market of prospects, which result in a better ROI.
wanted to share with other agents... a cheaper and better way in closing more deals resulting in a higher ROI, when purchasing internet leads
The only time Jack (LTC advisor) dials the phone is to respond to people who want to speak to him.

Did you really post to chastise Jack about correcting another poster's grammar and command of the English language (or lack thereof)?
Did you really post with the intention on correcting this man's grammer? Dial the phone, stop trying so hard to be a jerk.

Yes, and it is grammar. :D

Like Empty Eternity mentioned above, I did not understand the point of the thread and I also got the feeling there is an alternative agenda with the OP's initial post. So, I decided to take the OP to school for some ball busting.


The only time Jack (LTC advisor) dials the phone is to respond to people who want to speak to him.

You got that right, Bob. I do not dial. I answer!
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Yes, and it is grammar. :D

Like Empty Eternity mentioned above, I did not understand the point of the thread and I also got the feeling there is an alternative agenda with the OP's initial post. So, I decided to take the OP to school for some ball busting.


You got that right, Bob. I do not dial. I answer!

I'm just embarassed that I spelled grammar wrong.:no: