Yes, it's in every state except for MT and AR. Age 50-80 and face from 5k-25k.
Not in CA either.

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Gerber is a no-brainer to pick up. It's priced as low as any GI plan on the market. Commissions are lower than regular FE but higher than other competitively priced GI plans. You can add it to what you already carry for those appointments that are uninsurable AND price sensitive.
If you already have any contracts though us (fexcontracting) you probably won't even need to fill out any paperwork to add it. Just send Brad Aden an email that you want to add it and it's done. You also get the Gerber Grow Up plan and the Gerber College Savings Plan.
No, they kept telling it was just going to be an amendment if you already have Gerber, but no, it's a whole new contract!
There's also an Accident Plan available.
Any of my agents reading this, we're good to go...let me know and I'll send you the contract.
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