Golden Rule/ United Healthcare Won't Be in the Exchange

On the webinar the presenters said that the 2014 Golden Rule plans will not have to conform exactly with the "Metal" plan restrictions. (i.e. not as robust).

Also, to sell on the exchanges, carriers will have to pay a fee to the exchange (and maybe to HHS?) for each plan sold.

And, people who buy non-exchange plans will be higher income...which statistically translates into healthier applicants...people who eat better, exercise more, smoke less, etc..

Less Robustness + No Fees + Healthier Applicants = Plans that cost significantly less than Exchange-based policies.


So would these plans still incur someone to pay a fine or tax or whatever it is since they are not exact or not meet the full criteria of the metal plans?
3. "infinity and beyond" is referencing the GI pool. Most of the premium shock will come from being mixed into the GI pool. I was under the impression, that plans sold in 13', are underwritten, and will never be mixed in with the GI pool for plans sold in 14', therefore keeping prices lower for a longer period vs GI risk pool plans that must be sold on/off the exchange.

Humana webinar tomorrow AM should be interesting.

Thanks, Bill. Now I understand what he meant by being able to renew those plans at lesser rates. If I understand you correctly, he meant they would upgrade them to QHB's on their 2014 renewal date, but since they were originally medically underwritten they would renew at lower rates than non-underwritten policies written after 1/1/2014.

I will be attending the Humana webinar tomorrow, too.
Thanks, Bill. Now I understand what he meant by being able to renew those plans at lesser rates. If I understand you correctly, he meant they would upgrade them to QHB's on their 2014 renewal date, but since they were originally medically underwritten they would renew at lower rates than non-underwritten policies written after 1/1/2014.

I will be attending the Humana webinar tomorrow, too.


But I'm wondering if NOT being part of the exchange allows them to do this. I was under the impression that NON GF policy pools, must be merged into the GI pools come 1/1/14. But, the may have found a way around that by only selling GI policies off the exchange and having 3 pools: GF, pre-14' underwritten, and GI off exchange.
I have spoke with all parties. Lets look at it like this:
sometimes when at the poker table and your holding pocket Aces it may be in your best interest to not flip your cards over yet.

Lets let this go and let the hand play out. Bob Rosco is a good man only trying to help us the agent community. Sometimes things get released prematurity but that does not make it incorrect... just the incorrect time to "flip" your cards over.
Thanks for checking this out with your contact, TaterPeeler. It's probably a good time to get back onboard with UHC-Golden Rule, if I'm interpreting you correctly. I hope they flip the important 2013 cards over for us soon.
In the HumanaOne webinar today, they confirmed that in-force clients can stay with their current plan until their renewal date in 2014. I asked 2 questions. One was if those clients can extend their renewal date to December 1st to lengthen their time with the current plan, and the 2nd question was if the current underwritten clients would be in a separate pool for renewals in 2014, 2015, 2016, etc., or if they would be merged into the same pool as the GI policies written after 1/1/2014. I'll let you know if/when I receive an answer.
"It's not just a 2014 event," means, we'll let everyone else fall on their face, and pick up the pieces in later years.

In January, during UnitedHealth's earnings call for the fourth quarter of 2012, Stephen Hemsley, the president suggested that the company could end up participating in 10 to 25 exchanges.
During the latest call, Hemsley made no predictions about the number of exchanges UnitedHealth will use to distribute its products.

"We will be very selective in where we participate and do not believe the exchanges will be a significant factor for us in our 2014 commercial market outlook," Hemsley said.
Jeffer Alter, the head of UnitedHealth's UnitedHealthcare employer and individual business, said the company is making exchange participation decisions on a market-by-market basis and expects to increase the number of exchanges it uses as the exchange program develops.
"It's not just a 2014 event," Alter said.

UnitedHealth to be "very selective" exchange user | LifeHealthPro
Then I received this email from Goldenrule:

The Best Time to Take Action is Now!
It's no secret that the health insurance industry is changing. We understand that some brokers feel uneasy about the future. We want to assure you that we value your business! Our goal is to be the most secure insurance carrier to work with for you and your clients.
If your clients qualify for underwritten coverage, the best time to act is NOW! A renewable health insurance plan may be the best choice for your clients. Personal health insurance is likely more affordable today than it will be in 2014 with guarantee issue and new mandated benefits. Underwritten plans are still available through the end of this year. Golden Rule remains committed to you, your business and your clients..
Wasn't there something in the law banning carriers that opt out of the exchange from participating for 3 years?
My buddy is an agent at the local blue (one of the offices) for the last 10 years or so and the owner told him today to be prepared to work 7 days a week for six months and earn 200k. They will have seminars and leads coming in as fast as you can write. Don't know how true it is but the owner goes up to the capital and he's been dead on so far.