Golden Rule/ United Healthcare Won't Be in the Exchange

My buddy is an agent at the local blue (one of the offices) for the last 10 years or so and the owner told him today to be prepared to work 7 days a week for six months and earn 200k. They will have seminars and leads coming in as fast as you can write. Don't know how true it is but the owner goes up to the capital and he's been dead on so far.

Something is cooking at the Illinois BCBS as well. They've announced a (rare) Webinar this coming Thursday (4/25/2013) to roll out a "Toolkit For Success" for Illinois licensed agents. Counts for Continuing Education credits too.
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Wasn't there something in the law banning carriers that opt out of the exchange from participating for 3 years?
I remember reading something along those lines a couple years ago. But, 3 yrs is a blip on the timeline for these long term companies. It will take 3 years for all the wrinkles to be ironed out anyways.
I remember that 3 year provision, too. However, I haven't heard about it in a long time, so I don't know if FFE is requiring it or even if states are.
I don't think carriers are too concerned about it if the 3 year rule is true. From what I can ascertain, many of the carriers want to avoid that pool altogether. I also don't think the carriers expect this law to be in effect much beyond the 2016 election cycle. Or is that my wishful thinking...
Something is cooking at the Illinois BCBS as well. They've announced a (rare) Webinar this coming Wednesday (4/24/2013) to roll out a "Toolkit For Success" for Illinois licensed agents. Counts for Continuing Education credits too.

Will you update me on it? I'm scheduled for a presentation from them on 5/9, but wouldn't mind a bit of a sneak peek.
I don't think carriers are too concerned about it if the 3 year rule is true. From what I can ascertain, many of the carriers want to avoid that pool altogether. I also don't think the carriers expect this law to be in effect much beyond the 2016 election cycle. Or is that my wishful thinking...

the GOp would have to control the WH, and both chambers to pull that off..... highly unlikely

The current govt could end it or modify it greatly and I think that is a more likely process.....
the GOp would have to control the WH, and both chambers to pull that off..... highly unlikely

The current govt could end it or modify it greatly and I think that is a more likely process.....

I am going to disagree. I think that unless something we have not seen coming happens, the nation will see this disaster for what it is and 2016 will have a huge swing to the right in Washington.

This sort of swing took place in 2008 on the shoulders of the lies of the left, it could easily happen on the crashing economy caused by Obamacare among other factors in 2016.
The mid-term elections are in 2014. Let's hope for change then.

I think that will be too soon. I know we will start to see thing start to unravel, but the real pain probably won't be felt until later. Some camps are speculating that some groups that fall under the play or pay will not drop their coverage in 2014, but when they start putting pen to paper and feel the pain of Obamacare, it will only take one business to choose the penalty before more and more follow suit. Like the conversation of the individual penalty, it may be more cost effective to pay the penalty for some smaller mandated groups.
If enough D's lose their seat in the mid-terms, especially in the Senate, they only need a simple majority (51) to overturn Obamacare. They still need 2/3 majority to override any O veto.

Many large corporations have already indicated they will downsize their FT employees which will cause a groundswell. There will be a lot of public animosity over the loss of hours and benefits among the lower middle class.

Individuals who have to buy their own coverage, even on HIX, will be shocked at how much they have to pay (since many are expecting it all to be free). Those who don't qualify for a subsidy, or a minimum subsidy, will not be happy campers.

Of course there is the concern if HIX will even work given the IT challenges.