Goodbye Health Agent


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
SB388, would create a single-payer system to administer all health insurance coverage in Maryland. The public hearing is planned before the Senate Finance Committee, beginning at 1 p.m. No action by the Maryland House of Representatives has been scheduled.

The 27-page bill makes no mention of insurance agents and brokers, and if approved would likely eliminate the need for them. The language of the bill doesn't clearly explain how those services would be performed.

Maryland bill to create single-payer system excludes insurance agents | Insurance & Financial Advisor I
Okay am I being stupid, or doesn't this eliminate insurance companies from Maryland as well?
Yeah, I read that this morning. Says they don't expect it to pass this year but the Republik of Maryland will eventually go single payer.

I'm totally cashed out of the health insurance market. Formally closed for new business and will just maintain my book until it implodes.
Single payor means no competition in the insurance marketplace. Perhaps one single insurance company, perhaps the government.

Basically yes, it eliminates insurance companies.

I haven't read the article, but there is potentially room for med-supp style policies on single payor plans. My guess is, if this happened, it would be like the rare med-supp you can find now for someone under 65 (that is on medicare), pretty expensive. The only people who get them have a high utilization factor.

Yeah, I read that this morning. Says they don't expect it to pass this year but the Republik of Maryland will eventually go single payer.

That Republik is home to a lot of govt types and their military cousins, and the lobbyists who work for them. At least near the Beltway. Wonder if they will be on the same plan.
hope MD does go single ... without Health ins. money to pay the providers; taxes will rise and access will decline. The rest of the country will hear about how bad it sucked and we're done with this nonsense
Yeah, I read that this morning. Says they don't expect it to pass this year but the Republik of Maryland will eventually go single payer.

I'm totally cashed out of the health insurance market. Formally closed for new business and will just maintain my book until it implodes.

OMG, John, what are you marketing now?
I'd imagine, just as a ray of sunshine here, that it will open up some opportunities in the "health supplement" market, the way that medicare supplement goes now.