Google Changes - Article Directories

I know in C we'd set a while loop to check every x number of seconds for things that were set to delay send, then a conditional to check to see if the time had been passed based on server time.

The code would be something like


= date(n);
= + 1;

if( > 28) = 1; //to deal with months longer than 28 days

while( != ){
= date(n);

echo '(rss feed)';

:GEEK: <geek only content>

Good idea, but I think that a better approach would be to use a cron job to delay the feed.

Also today will never be tomorrow. You'd probably have to look at the original date of the post in the WP mySQL database and compare it with the current unix time stamp.

I've made minor hacks to WP's code, but I'm not sure if I want to take the time to figure out how to delay the RSS feed.
</geek only content>

What I've done for now is changed my RSS feed option to "summary" instead of full text on some of my sites. I use the full text option on the sites that are indexed quickly.

The ultimate solution goal is to out-SEO the content thieves.

So long as Google indexes your page first, it should give you credit for the content.
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Alston, now that you're talking geek, you might want to hack into your RSS feed code, so regardless if you offer a full feed or just a summary, make sure you always have a credit link in footer of all your feeds.

In 99.5% of cases, the content thieves won't even check the feed as it's all on autopilot for them and your link will get posted on their sites too. Having a credit link back to your site, will indicate to Google that you're the original author.

Needless to say, with the Panda update this issue has been dealt very good and most autopilot/robot-type sites are disappearing from Google index.


Should I use <a> or just the URL?

It looks like some of the content thieves just pull the visible body text and none of the tags.

Should I use <a> or just the URL?

It looks like some of the content thieves just pull the visible body text and none of the tags.

Seems like google gives as much weight to the non linked URL as it does to links and I bet some of them strip the tags.

I've seen people repost my rss feeds quite a bit like you describe but they didn't even strip the links and usually I link to my own sites in my posts back to relevant perminent content.
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Oh and the

Variable = date(n); function is the shorthand to pull the unix server day of the month in integer format. That's how the programming snip I wrote worked. You could go more complicated with a cron job with a SQL reference too.

My mailing software works that way with a php that is called with cron.
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It's date(j) not (n) actually n is month j is day. Doing stuff from memories = mistakes.
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All that I've done for the last year is article marketing and after this last algorithm change, I go from non-existent to page 1. I'm going to continue to write articles and stay the course.
