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Re: Got Hit Today, Not Sure how to Handle
Yea, the alternative it to file, then appeal, which I have done in the past, (hit and run) guy clipped my front bumper on the highway and spun me out into the guard rail) and from what I've found out through talking to body shops, appraisers, and an agent at my mechanics shop, I would more than likely win. But I would still be paying the 1000 deductible and 50 appeal fee. When I could get away with jus paying 900 out of pocket to fix the panels I have, or have them replaced through insurance.... Know what, what do I care if they are replaced, I'm planning on trading it in soon in favor of a pick-up which will have a nice big trailer hitch for those numbskulls who insist on tailgating and rear ending me

guess ill try to see if I can get anything out of him and say that I'm going to write everything he said in the report, and if he denies it he's perjuring himself... Yes I have to prove it, but in the heat of it, maybe he will forget that
You can always try but this may be a situation of letting sleeping dogs lie.
Yea, the alternative it to file, then appeal, which I have done in the past, (hit and run) guy clipped my front bumper on the highway and spun me out into the guard rail) and from what I've found out through talking to body shops, appraisers, and an agent at my mechanics shop, I would more than likely win. But I would still be paying the 1000 deductible and 50 appeal fee. When I could get away with jus paying 900 out of pocket to fix the panels I have, or have them replaced through insurance.... Know what, what do I care if they are replaced, I'm planning on trading it in soon in favor of a pick-up which will have a nice big trailer hitch for those numbskulls who insist on tailgating and rear ending me