Great Article and Tactic for Disability

TO>Originally Posted by mickey2
I'm sure i will get some negative replys (also REPLIES) from this post but really don't understand why the producer's who have so many negative things to say about DI dont have the credentials or experience to have such strong opinions. All of you that take offense to this are the "experts" I'm refering)< ANOTHER TYPO to. LOL
Michael Sileo DIA, DHP, EHBA, HIA
Master General Agent
General Agent Center Inc

It is not a matter at times of having the credentials or experience for DI. It is an easy sell for Life Insurance. People know they will die, however trying to show someone that they are gambling with their life by not having DI is tough.

It is human nature to think that "I am healthy and I do not need that extra coverage." So to say it is not a tough sell with DI is an under statement. You must believe in any product you are selling first and foremost.
You could just google them but I'm glad to play along. DIA - Disability Insurance Associate. DHP - Disability Healthcare Professional. EHBA - Employee Healthcare Benefits Associate. HIA - Health Insurance Associate. The courses are available through AHIP
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Ckeifer thanks for correcting my spelling.
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I really appreciate your view and opinion of Disability Insurance and the "need" let me know if there is anything I can to help with your DI sales. I know a lot of Disability Insurance brokers around the country. (FYI- I'm not trying to recruit)
Thanks Mickey,

Again the challenge I find is the need for it. I ask the question who will pay for your company to run if you can not perform 100% of you own occ. Most the answers I get are I will use my savings to pay for business expense. I then ask them if you had a safe in the wall of your business that you can open and use that money and never touch your savings wouldnt that be better than trying to replenish your funds?
I like that analogy. I usually ask people (of all occupations) "How long are you going on vacation this year?" The answer is usually 1 or 2 weeks. I then ask "why only 1 or two weeks?" The answer is almost always "because that's all I can afford" Which opens the door for, "How long could you go without a paycheck?"
I have sold LTC in the past as DI. In our state a person can only get a benefit of 60% of their income. With LTC thery can choose any monthly amount. The same triggers for DI will also trigger LTC.
I have sold LTC in the past as DI. In our state a person can only get a benefit of 60% of their income. With LTC thery can choose any monthly amount. The same triggers for DI will also trigger LTC.

Same triggers...Really...I could not be able to work but still cook for myself and dress and bathe myself.

DI will kick in by being unable to do the material duties of your job. That is very different thana LTC definition.
Same triggers...Really...I could not be able to work but still cook for myself and dress and bathe myself.

DI will kick in by being unable to do the material duties of your job. That is very different thana LTC definition.
Prudential's monthly lump benefit triggers are 2 adls. I always told DI customers if you become disabled you will trigger two of the adls