Great Question to Ask Potential Clients when They Hesitate...


100+ Post Club
Hey Everyone,
About 2 o'clock this morning, I came up with a great question to ask potential clients who are hesitating to switch when I can offer them increased coverage with a savings so I had to write it down! I also gave it a try this morning and it worked! So, I had to share....

"If an agent came to you and said they could give you less coverage at an increased price, would you be interested in working with them? (pause for them to say no) Of course not! But isn't that exactly what you are doing by staying with your current company?"

What does everyone think? Anyone try anything like this out before? Success/failure rates?
"If an agent came to you and said they could give you less coverage at an increased price, would you be interested in working with them?......

Ahhh.....I'm SO relieved you used "agent" instead of Account Executive!!!! :1cute:
Nice, you could also try this:

"what exactly is making you hesitate?"

And wait for an answer. It's simple and to the point and this will usually allow you to uncover anything you may have missed, maybe they don't have the money in the bank today, maybe it's a stall, regardless, this would allow you to address it properly and close again.

In case they have no answer (which happens) or if they respond with the need to think about it, you can follow up with this:

"since the coverage is the same (or better) most of my clients think about what they'll do with the money they're saving each month."

Then close the sale.

When you focus on the positives of switching it often overrides the stress of the purchase.

Hey Everyone,
About 2 o'clock this morning, I came up with a great question to ask potential clients who are hesitating to switch when I can offer them increased coverage with a savings so I had to write it down! I also gave it a try this morning and it worked! So, I had to share....

"If an agent came to you and said they could give you less coverage at an increased price, would you be interested in working with them? (pause for them to say no) Of course not! But isn't that exactly what you are doing by staying with your current company?"

What does everyone think? Anyone try anything like this out before? Success/failure rates?