Had One Call to Cancel


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Last night I stopped in on a couple who had sent in a lead card. He's 80, she's 76. They are in pretty good shape financially. I asked them why they sent the card in.
"Because we don't have any insurance."
The lady tells me that her sister just bough a pre-paid funeral and that's what she'd like to do. So I asked them a few questions and led them down the road of killing the prepaid objection. In the end, they agreed that a pre-paid funeral was less economical than life insurance.

With this couple I took the angle of freedom and options. That that's the one thing life insurance provides that no other plan could. They husband was big on the idea that he could just set some money aside to pay for their final expenses. Again, I took the same approach.

Toranaga: "Sir, I'm so glad that you feel you're in a financial situation where you can put money aside to cover those expenses. Many of my clients have felt the same way, However, once they examined the fact that once that money's earmarked for final expenses, they found that their options became limited and they no longer had the freedom to use their money as they wished which they would have with a life insurance program. Does that make sense?"

Him: "Yep sure does. But I'm not the kind of guy who makes snap decisions. I'm gonna need some time to think about this."

T: "Yessir, you do need to think about this and I'm glad to have the opportunity to be a part of that. Let me suggest that we get the ball rolling on the insurance, I'll deliver the program to you so we can go over it in detail and make sure it's exactly what you want, and does exactly what you need it to do for you."

Him:" OK"

So I tooks apps on him and his wife.

Faxed them in this morning. Ten minutes later, he calls and says

Him: After thinking about this overnight, I really think I'd rather just set the money aside for my final expenses.
T: OK, remember last night how we talked about options?
Him: Yep
T: Well, right now you have the option of setting aside $14000 dollars, that will never be able to serve you again. Or you could aside an offordable insurance program that will turn $150 into $14000 overnight. It will shift the burden of your final expenses from you and your wife, to the insurance company. You will still have your $14,000 tomorrow. You will have the freedom to use that money if you need it. Doesn't that make sense?
Him: Yes, it sure does.
T: So why not go ahead and let's take a look at that program at length and then you can decide. There is no risk to you.
Him: No, just cancel it. CLICK

Obviously, the presentation last night was much longer than what I have detailed here. Just giving you all the wavetops.

Prospect told you before you took the app he was not going to buy last night.

You never really had a sale.
My guess is he never bought. He probably started to feel pressured and gave in with the thought he could just cancel in the morning.

At this point, everything is Monday morning quarterbacking. We didn't even get to watch the game.

I wouldn't sweat it. You assumed the sale, they filled out apps and then changed their minds. I don't believe in pressure but I do believe in assuming the sale. Every blue moon or so someone is going to back out on you if assume the sale. Make a note somewhere in case it happens again to look for trends and forget about it.
Man Bro I know how you feel. This same thing has happened to me about 10 times in my ins career.

One approach maybe to go out there and let them know you have held up the process for now. I have an idea I would like to know what you think of this Mr. Jones. You have saved a nice lil nest egg and I'm sure If something happened to you you would want your wife to have that money and not be forced to use on your burial...why dont we go ahead with coverage on you and leave the Mrs. out for now. Chances are men go before their wifes Mr Jones. How does that sound Mr. Jones and I will let you sleep on it and come back if you would like.

Its a long shot but give it a try and let us know how it goes.
Prospect told you before you took the app he was not going to buy last night.

You never really had a sale.

Yeah, I completely agree. So, what's your move when you get that objection?
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Maybe a SPWL would have been an option to show them.


That thought was running through my mind, but never having placed one before, I let it go not wanting to look like a bumbling fool.
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My thoughts:

He probably didn't have the 14k to set aside.
He told you he did to try and prevent your sale and keep face.
He probably couldn't afford $150 a month.
Move on, other people need your help. Some people you can't help. Stuff happens. Spending a bunch of time thinking about this guy will slow you down from helping the next person and may effect your confidence.

Also, if this guy is like this, you might not want him as a client. The absolute joy in the business is being able "fire" a client or tell a troublesome prospect that you don't believe working together would be a good fit...then give him the number of your "closest" competitor...I have done this several times and it still brings the biggest grin to my face. In this business people can treat you like crap and not think twice about it. Letting someone subtly know you will not be working with them can be nice.

My favorite line.."I decided to let you get your insurance elsewhere, good day."