Has Anyone Built a Facebook Page for Their Business?

Agreed, there are ways to get recognized for search terms wtihout the tons of money, but I imagine you might be right about the "marijuana life insurance", probably add Colorado to that as well, haha.
but I imagine you might be right about the "marijuana life insurance", probably add Colorado to that as well, haha.

really....this months search terms for the life site....hahahahaha

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and wonder were this one came from.....

life insurance for texas firefighters10.6
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and on a side note...sold a 1mill policy for a comish that placed and paid this month for $1600 ....he searched this...."private pilot life insurance texas"....have a real time program that tells me what they searched and site they come from when the auto leads hits my email........ so....your here to teach us about social marketing....
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That's great that you sold a $1mm policy, it sounds like you have it all figured out.

I was offering advice for those advisors who don't understand social media marketing and who want help. I was giving them some advice on how to generate leads through social media. Sure, I could create a search term for Fisherman Insurance Florida", etc. and then create a FB page for it, but that's not going to be a stable long-term lead generator for an advisor in Nashville, TN. I was only offering advice to those advisors who want to learn more about how to build a network using social media and how to do it effectively.

It sounds like you are an expert and I would continue doing what you're doing if it's working for you.
I was offering advice for those advisors who don't understand social media marketing and who want help. I was giving them some advice on how to generate leads through social media. Sure, I could create a search term for Fisherman Insurance Florida", etc. and then create a FB page for it, but that's not going to be a stable long-term lead generator for an advisor in Nashville, TN.

really.....when do you think people will stop searching " Smoker Life Insurance Texas ".......the way you are approaching this is marketing 200 friends..(btw....have over 1300 friends...most texas...have been friending every texas contact of all my base solid friends so they can see my post's...feel free to use that).....I am out side the box reaching search returns with little to no likes......btw...people do search "Life Insurance Tobacco Dippers"
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That's the beauty of this Forum. Everybody is an expert. Everybody is making 100k and above. Everybody is writing 100-500 cases each year and everybody has a million bucks in their 401k.

So...who is "everybody?" I'll sell you the list.