Has Anyone Built a Facebook Page for Their Business?

Thanks for the great knowledge here. I made my facebook page a couple months ago and have been a little lost on how to promote it. I have recently tried to add people that I do not know as friends, but have recently received a notice that I cannot do that. lol. I would post a link to that site for review here but I am still a newbie on the forum. SEO is difficult....
what is your purpose with the facebook page?

direct traffic?

I see these links are no follow, so it's not for ranking purposes(backlinks)..

Are you trying to rank to the fb page?

If you create a facebook fan page. You invite your existing fb friends to like it. Then provide content, your friends that like it. You content will post on their feed and be exposed to there fb friends. Tap root marketing!
I am just starting a facebook page. I am using it to post articles and information to reach out to clients and prospects.
If you aren't marketing yourself on Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube and Twitter, then you are missing out on a ton of leads.

Linkedin is the largest database of leads you can access and you can even narrow the searches down to exactly the type of client profile you're looking for (ex: doctors in Atlanta).

Keep in mind there are 1 billion people on Facebook, making it the 3rd largest country in the world. It is important that you not only have your company page on FB, but you have your own personal FB page. You need to be writing articles and sharing news on both of your FB pages. On average, every person on FB has around 200 friends (some more, some less) and if one person shares your article on their page, then guess what...another 200 people outside of your network are going to see that article...and you can see how this starts to reach a lot of people.

Social media is the #1 activity on the web, 69% of parents are "friends" with their children on social media.

Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world, and you can have your own youtube channel...free.

53% of people on Twitter recommend products in their tweets - 90% of consumers trust peer recommendations. "socialnomics"

SEO has to be built organically, meaning Google recognizes websites with original content and which relates to the topic of a particular search.

If you want more information on how to streamline all of these social media outlets then let me know. I have a system that allows you to write an article, post updates, etc. and it is automatically sent out to each social media site with the click of one button and can also help you with SEO and driving traffic to your website (and if you don't have a website, we can do that as well).

Best of luck
"writing articles and sharing news on both of your FB pages"

Why not do the same thing on your website or blog?
You should be doing that on your blog, that's the point right? You want to have your blogs/articles touching as many people as possible.
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so...is 400 fb pages to much.......

The point isn't to have as many FB pages as you can...If you want to capitalize on social media and online marketing, then it is possible, there are advisors who are doing it, but you can't just create a bunch of FB pages, try and get 50 likes, never do anything...etc. and expect to get any kind of lead generation out of it. If you understand social media and how it all works together, then it can be successful for you.
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really.....do a google search for "fireman life insurance"......
How many leads have you received from that FB page?

I can't imagine how many folks are searching for "fireman life insurance". Now if you google "life insurance" or "life insurance quotes" or "best rates on life insurance"...I imagine consumers are searching those phrases much more often than "fireman life insurance"
How many leads have you received from that FB page?

I can't imagine how many folks are searching for "fireman life insurance". Now if you google "life insurance" or "life insurance quotes" or "best rates on life insurance"...I imagine consumers are searching those phrases much more often than "fireman life insurance"

several....and yes it takes massive amounts of money to come up for national search terms that you listed.....I use them for niche marketing....now you also mentioned youtube...how about both on page 1 for "Marijuana Life Insurance Texas"....this one gets searched alot hahahaha.....