Has Anyone Built a Facebook Page for Their Business?

I'm also in the process of establishing a facebook account for my soon to open agency. Just don't want it to look too simple, I also need to learn how to direct more traffic once I open.. also how to I get mo invites to my page?

What are you guys using to pass the word about your company?
Starting at 0 followers on a new facebook page can seem daunting, but here are some of the things that we did to build this up quickly:

1. Use your employees. Ask employees to like the page then ask them to invite their friends to like the page as well.
2. Claim your name - after you hit a certain number of likes you can change your url from facebook.com/1212398389823 to facebook.com/insurance-co-name. Do this as soon as you can.
3. Ask your customers: create a contest and ask your customers to like the page for a chance to win.
4. Engage the public with facebook ads, sponsored posts and contests or incentive to like or quote with you.
5. Post using the 80/20 rule -> 80% helpful / entertaining posts and 20% (or less) sales focused.

Hope this helps, have fun and be social with your page!
Here's mine: http://www.facebook.com/armourinsurance/
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Thank you for sharing this.

Starting at 0 followers on a new facebook page can seem daunting, but here are some of the things that we did to build this up quickly:

1. Use your employees. Ask employees to like the page then ask them to invite their friends to like the page as well.
2. Claim your name - after you hit a certain number of likes you can change your url from facebook.com/1212398389823 to facebook.com/insurance-co-name. Do this as soon as you can.
3. Ask your customers: create a contest and ask your customers to like the page for a chance to win.
4. Engage the public with facebook ads, sponsored posts and contests or incentive to like or quote with you.
5. Post using the 80/20 rule -> 80% helpful / entertaining posts and 20% (or less) sales focused.

Hope this helps, have fun and be social with your page!
Here's mine: http://www.facebook.com/armourinsurance/
Starting at 0 followers on a new facebook page can seem daunting, but here are some of the things that we did to build this up quickly: 1. Use your employees. Ask employees to like the page then ask them to invite their friends to like the page as well. 2. Claim your name - after you hit a certain number of likes you can change your url from facebook.com/1212398389823 to facebook.com/insurance-co-name. Do this as soon as you can. 3. Ask your customers: create a contest and ask your customers to like the page for a chance to win. 4. Engage the public with facebook ads, sponsored posts and contests or incentive to like or quote with you. 5. Post using the 80/20 rule -> 80% helpful / entertaining posts and 20% (or less) sales focused. Hope this helps, have fun and be social with your page! Here's mine: http://www.facebook.com/armourinsurance/

Thanks for sharing! Interesting approach... Possibly can work!