Health Care Reform Act - Ron Paul

Good point James....Corporations (if they do get taxed) pass it through as an expense.
Good point James....Corporations (if they do get taxed) pass it through as an expense.

I have to laugh when people refer to Corporations as Groups of people that are somehow evil. A corporation is nothing more than a piece of paper, outside of that it is only a buisness made up of people servicing other people with a product or service.
So I am guessing this is not the bill they are about to pass??!!?!?!!?!!

I think he means DEDUCTION, not "credit" if so, he needs to rethink that. I am sure he knows the ramifications of a 100% credit for healthcare bills.
I wish Ron Paul was 50, so he would have time to grow and become a serious player down the road - unfortunately the reality is at his age time is not on his side to repeat this process in 8 or 12 years.[/quote]

Rand to the rescue ...
Rand is a smart man BUT his dad is the economic genius. And, there are TOO many freeloaders out there with their hands out to elect the Paul family into the presidency.

Ron (& Rand) would SAVE our country from socialism & bankruptcy. But, how can you save a country from socialism when at least 50% of the voters want MORE freebies from MamaGovt?:skeptical:
I wish Ron Paul was 50, so he would have time to grow and become a serious player down the road - unfortunately the reality is at his age time is not on his side to repeat this process in 8 or 12 years.

Rand to the rescue ...[/QUOTE]

Dave if Paul became a "serious contender" than I doubt he would stand for liberty and freedom, ending the FED and Obamacare. I think you should run along and find mitt romney I hear hes a "serious contender", funny all the republican nominees save Paul all have the same policies as Obama.
The new Republicans will never vote for the lesser of two you can either vote Paul in or have the Republican party implode, because I gaurantee we will never compromise our ideals for "serious" contenders to come and EF it all up.
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Rand is a smart man BUT his dad is the economic genius. And, there are TOO many freeloaders out there with their hands out to elect the Paul family into the presidency.

Ron (& Rand) would SAVE our country from socialism & bankruptcy. But, how can you save a country from socialism when at least 50% of the voters want MORE freebies from MamaGovt?:skeptical:

100% agree, but nobody really gets it. Not the "freeloaders" or the middle class guy holding out hope that he's gonna get a break somehow.
Look, forget how much it sucks with rationing and waiting and limited options, you want Canada? They pay 16% sales tax. That's gonna happen here?
I still say this will wan. It's gonna be a rough road for a while, but I cannot see no pre ex., and a mandate to support that. Then we have socialized medicine. Can't see it. There in over their heads already. They're on the back peddle.
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100% agree, but nobody really gets it. Not the "freeloaders" or the middle class guy holding out hope that he's gonna get a break somehow.
Look, forget how much it sucks with rationing and waiting and limited options, you want Canada? They pay 16% sales tax. That's gonna happen here?
I still say this will wan. It's gonna be a rough road for a while, but I cannot see no pre ex., and a mandate to support that.

gotta love canada's "luxury tax" , need a fridg? tax......need a new A/C? tax......dang I didnt know having cold air was a luxury..