Health Insurance Marketing

and texas........actually this sums it up.....


It was said by others and nothing more could be true than you have to work 40 hours a week and have a consistent marketing / prospecting strategy. The difference between my agents who "produce" and those that don't is really simple. My producing agents get out of bed every day and go to work. They don't quit untill they have put in their 8+ hours. They consistently market. Great feedback by saying only have 2 - 3 marketing strategies going at one time. More than that will be impossible to determine what is working effectively and you won't get the chance to make the tweeks necessary to make them work.
There isnt a key to success. Like its been said on this many of times, hard work and dedication to a set plan is the way to go. Having a goal that can actually be achieved is a big part. You cannot over extend yourself, you will get nothing done. I learned this the hard way.

What has worked for me? I have done my best to stay away from cold calling. To me it is a waste of time. Buying leads off the internet is expensive and can take all your time cold calling COLD leads. You have to figure out a way to get warm leads, or even hot leads. This comes through community involvement. You get your name out in your community by giving back to it. You cant just start a facebook page or a website and expect to get leads from it. You have to establish yourself in your community as a knowledged professional. From there the social media marketing will take care of itself.

Have you ever noticed that in small towns, there are businesses that have been there forever? Its because they are trusted businesses! The community knows they get the job done with the comsumer's interest being the #1 priority!