Health Sherpa

They don't move your leads over to their other entity.........they send them to me.

Thanks for reminding me why I will never have agents under me again. Beach, moan, whine..........

Everyone playing attention??? is the enemy to agents, not the WBE's or Ehealth. If they are successful (private enterprise), then we will have job security.
agentinsure, we've asked several times where you are seeing this, without any response. At this point, it seems like you are simply trying to spread misinformation.

I invite everyone to do a HealthSherpa search in a federal marketplace state. You will see that "Enroll" goes to our very fast (< 5 minute) application flow.

Regarding the cookie - the most recent agent's site the consumer sees will get credit. We can only submit one NPN per enrollment, so we have to use this mechanism to choose AoR when a consumer has seen multiple agent sites.

Which state are you in? We currently support the 38 federal marketplace states for 2015. Thanks!

Mr. NLiang, are there plans to expand the HealthSherpa questioning in Medicaid Expansion states (when children are in the quote request) to avoid the following scenario with middle income families?


1. Go to

2. Zip 60606 (downtown Chicago)

3. Ages 35/35/10/10 (twins)

4. Income 65,000

Result = Kids Removed from Consideration and Family no longer eligible for Subsidy.

Just curious to see if the modifications are worth pursuing. There might be too many variations and consideration combinations, since this is a ObamaCrap maze.
Dear Ning,
For your information, a lot of members of this forum are very intelligent, and technologically savvy. I also have good understanding of SAML redirect and security. This will increase your credibility if you expand on the claim that why you are faster than ehealth, Gohealth, and even United Healthcare. Trust me, I would love to see an entrepreneur like you kicking those big guys back. Please tell us how your process will work (step by step), and how it is different from the direct enrollment process that we all know via two SAML re-directs.
Thank you in advance!

Free Health and Medicare Supp Leads

Hi all! This is Ning from HealthSherpa. I wanted to announce a few quick things relevant to the conversation above:

1) Our application flow is the fastest available for OEP (~5 minutes on avg). There is no double redirect to We have discussed our implementation with CMS and we are completely in compliance. We will also have payment integration in place for OEP.
HealthSherpa started quoting 2015 plans last night.

Sorry, double post.
Thought the 1st one didn't "take".
I am using 'The Sherp' for both Florida and Georgia without a hitch.

I love the compare feature, I get a page with the plans side by side and simply send a link to my clients to review.

The capability for this is pretty good but The Sherp blows it away-thanks Ning...
I just ran a quote on sherpa using my cell phone. It's a really nice how the page is resized to fit the screen!
Sherp is doing great. Arizona rates and plans are showing up. After you do "compare" you can click the link at the bottom to see the SBC's. Of course, not every insurance company has their SBCs available yet. But that's true at all WBEs, at or at their own carrier website, so that's the carrier's fault.