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HealthCare.gov is out of his FRACKING MIND....!!


100+ Post Club
CMS recently announced a new FFM integration requirement that will affect all enrollment platforms that use EDE (Enhanced Direct Enrollment). Starting on July 12, 2024, agents using HealthSherpa or other EDE platforms will need to extend their FFM account integration every 12 hours instead of the current 30-day period.

We understand that this is a significant change, and we are committed to making sure that your workflow remains as smooth as possible. To help manage this new requirement, we are implementing several updates to your HealthSherpa for Agents account to minimize disruptions.

New features to help you through this change
We will be launching several new features designed to help agents avoid interruptions while using HealthSherpa for Agents. These include:

  • Home page Counter: HealthSherpa will display a "time left" counter to keep track of your integration window.
  • Sign in Reminder: You will be prompted to integrate your FFM account as soon as you sign in to HealthSherpa to allow for a full 12 hours free from additional integrations.
  • Mid-application Alert: If you are in the middle of an application and reach the 15-minute mark before your integration window expires, you will receive a prompt to reintegrate, preventing any potential loss of work.

What should I do now to prepare?
No immediate action is required from you at this time. Starting on July 12, you will begin to see countdowns, reminders, and new integration links when you have fewer than 12 hours left in your current integration window.

We are working with CMS on the details of this new requirement. Stay tuned for more information as we have it.

If over time limit, it will just require you to authenticate again to proceed.

My concern is not If, but when systems go down during oep at cms or sherpa