Gov't stepping in isn't necessarily a bad thing. Let's take a look at the late 1800's to the early 1900's and look at how private companies operated without any regulation.
The gov't stepped into private industry with minimum wage and labor laws. If not, then people would be working for $1.50 an hour for 60 hour weeks.
Although not direct analogies to what we're discussing my point is just because the gov't steps in doesn't make it a bad thing.
This analogy is good, but who decides what the definition of "good" "fair" and "bad" should be. I'm all for personal responsibility and agree with everything said thus far.
I would also go as far as to say that when we have access to medical records (I cannot figure out why this hasn't happened yet) people who lie or try to commit insurance fraud should have that listed on their MIB or a similar record. This means that ALL insurance carries report to the MIB and people are held responsible for their actions.