Heard of Health eDeals or IHC Group?

Wrong on both counts.
If I am wrong you should be able to prove me wrong. The pdf is very clear. Its a Gap Plan. It is not a Qualified Health Insurance Policy.... it is not MEC... it says that on the cover of the pdf for the product.

That is not necessarily a bad thing. But its a fact. That plan is not MEC or a Qualified Health Policy under ACA.

And having caps on benefits makes it a Gap Plan by definition.
Not true Health Insurance.

That is a quote from you. Can you define "true" Health Insurance? If you mean, it is not Major Medical, that would be true. No one said otherwise. Words mean things, and no matter how you slice it, the plan being discussed is, in fact, true health insurance.
Tell them what? That it is health insurance? If I do, I am scamming them how?.
My question would be if this product was explained and and all the caps discussed and told how much they would be on the hook for on a major claim who would buy it....just because the cat has her kittens in the oven doesn't make them biscuits......
IHC had really good SHORT TERM MEDICAL insurance plans up until April 2017. Customer Service and Claims payments were top quality.

But IHC (Home :: My IHC Group) never latched on to the concept of chaining their 3 month STM plans together to render a full-year's coverage. And for 3 months of coverage, the premiums are out of this world.

As for the Fixed Benefit Indemnity plans from ANY company...STEER CLEAR, unless someone with a high deductible health policy wants one, in order to pay the QHDHP deductible in the event of an illness, (Non-Preexisting), or an accident.

As other agents have stated, If you sell a Fixed Indemnity policy as primary coverage, the client will be hurt financially upon a big medical claim...and he/she will blame YOU for recommending that plan.
Wrong on both counts.

You must know this is a plan to cover the gaps left in your CURRENT HEALTH PLAN. This is not intended to be your only coverage.
A couple of days in the hospital could easily rack up to $80k or more. And you may get $12k from this plan. It's a GAP plan. Nothing more.
You must know this is a plan to cover the gaps left in your CURRENT HEALTH PLAN. This is not intended to be your only coverage.
A couple of days in the hospital could easily rack up to $80k or more. And you may get $12k from this plan. It's a GAP plan. Nothing more.
And who in their right mind spend the kinda money that they charge for these gap plans.....I could understand if it was $100 or less for a family....