Heard of Health eDeals or IHC Group?

And who in their right mind spend the kinda money that they charge for these gap plans.....I could understand if it was $100 or less for a family....

What is the premium like on that plan we are currently discussing? What would ball park be for a 40 year old for the mid-level policy?
What is the premium like on that plan we are currently discussing? What would ball park be for a 40 year old for the mid-level policy?
dude I tried to find a rate sheet on line.....you have to request rates.....red flag number 1.....
Id pay $100 per month for a Single + Child Plan that was similar to that. But not much more.

It actually had decent benefits for scans and labwork if I remember correctly. Which are often some of the more common unexpected expenses.

But IHC has always seemed high on the premiums for anything other than STM.


The problem with the plans imo, is that they are trying to make them "mini" health insurance plans instead of a true Gap Plan. And Im talking about these in general, not just this one.

They often pay too much for simple routine care, which attracts people who dont have Health Insurance. But it increases the premium to a point that people find it too expensive for a true Gap Plan when they have a HDHP.

With all the zero premium policies out there, Id think a true Gap Plan that was decently priced would sell like crazy.
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