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Help Picking the right Company

Actually, I did listen to what he said, you seem to not care for what I heard. But that’s okay, I appreciate the help, but I’m very capable of knowing how to know what help is worthy of my acceptance.
All I know is what I read. I don't have a clue what you heard.

For the record, I've been selling insurance for over 50 years and I've been on the forum for over ten. And every time I see a post from DayTimer I stop and read it. It's called respect.

I consider DT a friend and I'm always interested in what he posts. And he's not the only one. There's several of us that are referred to as the Jokester Mafia. Don't know who came up with that name but I'll take it. One day we're trying to kill each other and the next day it's all shits and giggles.

If you really want to piss him off then threaten to take his MAGA cap off his head.
I had another thread going but it got highjacked by a debate not relevant to the thread.

At one point someone asked what I was looking for in a company and my financial goals. So here they are in detail.

From the company:

I'm looking to learn to sell insurance with hands-on guidance. I have previous sales experience from my own consulting to technology services to products to other stuff.

Culture is vital to me, I'm pretty great at identifying good culture, but I really need to know exactly what I need to look for in order to not get trapped or shoot myself in the foot if I join the wrong team and need to switch.

I would also like to know if working with multiple companies is a good or bad idea just starting out, and if it isn't an easy answer then why is it good or bad so I can discern for myself.

I would like to be doing this 8-12 hours a day 4-6 days a week.

Financial Goals:

I would like to spend about 200-1000 a week on leads as long as I can at least double my investment reliably to come ahead on average 11 out of 12 months out of the year.

I would ultimately like to get to a point where I can make 400k a year from issued policies

I would be through the moon to hit 220k a year and content if I never ended up making more than that a year from then on for whatever reason

I would like to make 120k after business expenses (leads, etc) in less than 2 years

It is vital that I make over 70k within my first year and can put at least 70% of that in my pocket.

Some companies that have reached out to me that I've been talking to are:

Marathon VDH


US Health

I am in Tampa FL and would prefer to sell Hybrid Remote with in-office being fully optional.

Full remote would be my next choice.

And I do understand Life Insurance better than Health Insurance but have no preference as to which I sell as of right now.

I am open to other brokers to work for that might be a better fit for me.

It takes a certain temperament, composition, make-up, etc., to be in this industry -- and be successful. You'll see all types of successful people making $1mm annually and more -- but there are certain common traits, characteristics, certain elements that they have. Core, key components.

I don't think you know enough about the industry to know if your goals are feasible. Rather than focus on your goals, focus on learning about the industry, what it is like day to day, what it's like to be "in the business" as opposed to "owning and running your own business" and what that really means. Step back from companies and products and learn about what it takes, what it's like, and what it means TO YOU and FOR YOU to be in this industry. Talk to successful agents, a lot. Spend a few hours talking to them, ask them to tag along to an appointment or two. Ask to shadow them, volunteer to help out in their office for a day and go on the road with them on another day.

Learn as much as you can -- then look at companies, products, etc. Good luck!
It takes a certain temperament, composition, make-up, etc., to be in this industry -- and be successful. You'll see all types of successful people making $1mm annually and more -- but there are certain common traits, characteristics, certain elements that they have. Core, key components.

I don't think you know enough about the industry to know if your goals are feasible. Rather than focus on your goals, focus on learning about the industry, what it is like day to day, what it's like to be "in the business" as opposed to "owning and running your own business" and what that really means. Step back from companies and products and learn about what it takes, what it's like, and what it means TO YOU and FOR YOU to be in this industry. Talk to successful agents, a lot. Spend a few hours talking to them, ask them to tag along to an appointment or two. Ask to shadow them, volunteer to help out in their office for a day and go on the road with them on another day.

Learn as much as you can -- then look at companies, products, etc. Good luck!

Thanks, I appreciate the effort. But people are tending to assume things about me and are REALLY wrong about what they assume. No one is really ASKING me things about my experience thus far up until my decision to post my question.

So far I've shadowed over 2 dozen agents, and have even gotten into 2 non-captive agencies to see the day-to-day, even running their scripts. 1 I made a sale on day one of me practicing the script. I have done a ride-along and explored a health company, a life insurance company, and Medicare too.

1 company, the one I made a sale had a great culture and people, but the boss was having a bad week and verbally abused me twice, after the second time he went off in front of the entire office and fired me. He called back a few days later, apologized, and told me if I ever wanted to come back I could. I like the guy, and get what he's going through from personal experience, but he's got stuff to work on and I told him I have no interest in coming back. The other didn't have a good enough education program, it was a mess, and the instructors were stumbling over themselves and had contradictory scripts that felt like they were making them up on the spot.

The Medicare option I didn't even seriously consider from the start, there were set hours, it was on the other side of town, and the upward potential was shit. I want to be able to work more than full-time if I want, and have unbound upward potential. I'm not as interested in a base salary, 401k, or employer insurance for $100 commissions for contracts I don't own.

I'm good at selling. I've been in marketing for 15 years, I've already developed my own agent website and set up my own domain and google workspace. I have worked for a CRM company, and done mobile marketing, direct mail, all of it. I've sold products, services, brokered business deals, and sold my own consulting services in the past.

I have zero expectations in sales, I just focus on what I can control, making calls, then setting an appointment, making a pitch, and asking for the sale. Anything else is outside of my control and I focus on it being a numbers game. If I can close more than 10% then the product is worth my time, if I can't, it's either a shit product or it's not something I'm fit to sell. I can't sell everything, and I can't sell something I don't believe in. I've had the same insurance provider for over 10 years, I am 35 and on Medicare from being on SSI for more than 2 years when I was younger, I have a whole-life policy and had a 1.5 Million term life insurance policy on both me and my ex before the divorce. I believe in insurance, I blog about PTSD and recommend insurance on it, both health and life as an important choice with others that struggle with mental health and suicidality.

I take zero shit unless I'm going to get paid or laid, but only to an extent. So unless you're my type and going to *** me, or you're going to pay me, then I'm not going to accept anything but respect and good assumptions from anyone on this forum and will block you at the first sign of any tone I don't like. I don't care how much you make, or how prestigious your expertise is, if you behave like that take a break from the internet and either get a therapist and on meds, or focus more on that stuff until you get yourself in check. There is more than enough info I can get elsewhere that is the same or better value than yours. I'm here to hopefully find something more catered to my exact questions, and I am fully entitled to have my questions answered exactly as I ask them with zero assumptions or dismissal, and give 0 fucks if you disagree in the slightest, my desires and goals are absolute, and my ego is earned. full stop.

Other than that, thank you.

Thanks, I appreciate the effort. But people are tending to assume things about me and are REALLY wrong about what they assume. No one is really ASKING me things about my experience thus far up until my decision to post my question.

So far I've shadowed over 2 dozen agents, and have even gotten into 2 non-captive agencies to see the day-to-day, even running their scripts. 1 I made a sale on day one of me practicing the script. I have done a ride-along and explored a health company, a life insurance company, and Medicare too.

1 company, the one I made a sale had a great culture and people, but the boss was having a bad week and verbally abused me twice, after the second time he went off in front of the entire office and fired me. He called back a few days later, apologized, and told me if I ever wanted to come back I could. I like the guy, and get what he's going through from personal experience, but he's got stuff to work on and I told him I have no interest in coming back. The other didn't have a good enough education program, it was a mess, and the instructors were stumbling over themselves and had contradictory scripts that felt like they were making them up on the spot.

The Medicare option I didn't even seriously consider from the start, there were set hours, it was on the other side of town, and the upward potential was shit. I want to be able to work more than full-time if I want, and have unbound upward potential. I'm not as interested in a base salary, 401k, or employer insurance for $100 commissions for contracts I don't own.

I'm good at selling. I've been in marketing for 15 years, I've already developed my own agent website and set up my own domain and google workspace. I have worked for a CRM company, and done mobile marketing, direct mail, all of it. I've sold products, services, brokered business deals, and sold my own consulting services in the past.

I have zero expectations in sales, I just focus on what I can control, making calls, then setting an appointment, making a pitch, and asking for the sale. Anything else is outside of my control and I focus on it being a numbers game. If I can close more than 10% then the product is worth my time, if I can't, it's either a shit product or it's not something I'm fit to sell. I can't sell everything, and I can't sell something I don't believe in. I've had the same insurance provider for over 10 years, I am 35 and on Medicare from being on SSI for more than 2 years when I was younger, I have a whole-life policy and had a 1.5 Million term life insurance policy on both me and my ex before the divorce. I believe in insurance, I blog about PTSD and recommend insurance on it, both health and life as an important choice with others that struggle with mental health and suicidality.

I take zero shit unless I'm going to get paid or laid, but only to an extent. So unless you're my type and going to *** me, or you're going to pay me, then I'm not going to accept anything but respect and good assumptions from anyone on this forum and will block you at the first sign of any tone I don't like. I don't care how much you make, or how prestigious your expertise is, if you behave like that take a break from the internet and either get a therapist and on meds, or focus more on that stuff until you get yourself in check. There is more than enough info I can get elsewhere that is the same or better value than yours. I'm here to hopefully find something more catered to my exact questions, and I am fully entitled to have my questions answered exactly as I ask them with zero assumptions or dismissal, and give 0 fucks if you disagree in the slightest, my desires and goals are absolute, and my ego is earned. full stop.

Other than that, thank you.

Thanks, I appreciate the effort. But people are tending to assume things about me and are REALLY wrong about what they assume. No one is really ASKING me things about my experience thus far up until my decision to post my question.

So far I've shadowed over 2 dozen agents, and have even gotten into 2 non-captive agencies to see the day-to-day, even running their scripts. 1 I made a sale on day one of me practicing the script. I have done a ride-along and explored a health company, a life insurance company, and Medicare too.

1 company, the one I made a sale had a great culture and people, but the boss was having a bad week and verbally abused me twice, after the second time he went off in front of the entire office and fired me. He called back a few days later, apologized, and told me if I ever wanted to come back I could. I like the guy, and get what he's going through from personal experience, but he's got stuff to work on and I told him I have no interest in coming back. The other didn't have a good enough education program, it was a mess, and the instructors were stumbling over themselves and had contradictory scripts that felt like they were making them up on the spot.

The Medicare option I didn't even seriously consider from the start, there were set hours, it was on the other side of town, and the upward potential was shit. I want to be able to work more than full-time if I want, and have unbound upward potential. I'm not as interested in a base salary, 401k, or employer insurance for $100 commissions for contracts I don't own.

I'm good at selling. I've been in marketing for 15 years, I've already developed my own agent website and set up my own domain and google workspace. I have worked for a CRM company, and done mobile marketing, direct mail, all of it. I've sold products, services, brokered business deals, and sold my own consulting services in the past.

I have zero expectations in sales, I just focus on what I can control, making calls, then setting an appointment, making a pitch, and asking for the sale. Anything else is outside of my control and I focus on it being a numbers game. If I can close more than 10% then the product is worth my time, if I can't, it's either a shit product or it's not something I'm fit to sell. I can't sell everything, and I can't sell something I don't believe in. I've had the same insurance provider for over 10 years, I am 35 and on Medicare from being on SSI for more than 2 years when I was younger, I have a whole-life policy and had a 1.5 Million term life insurance policy on both me and my ex before the divorce. I believe in insurance, I blog about PTSD and recommend insurance on it, both health and life as an important choice with others that struggle with mental health and suicidality.

I take zero shit unless I'm going to get paid or laid, but only to an extent. So unless you're my type and going to *** me, or you're going to pay me, then I'm not going to accept anything but respect and good assumptions from anyone on this forum and will block you at the first sign of any tone I don't like. I don't care how much you make, or how prestigious your expertise is, if you behave like that take a break from the internet and either get a therapist and on meds, or focus more on that stuff until you get yourself in check. There is more than enough info I can get elsewhere that is the same or better value than yours. I'm here to hopefully find something more catered to my exact questions, and I am fully entitled to have my questions answered exactly as I ask them with zero assumptions or dismissal, and give 0 fucks if you disagree in the slightest, my desires and goals are absolute, and my ego is earned. full stop.

Other than that, thank you.


@JaceG is a bored teenager who thought he'd have some fun trolling agents on Insurance Forums now that school's out. He has no intention of selling insurance and may not even be old enough to be licensed.

Reread that post and tell me that's someone who is serious about anything at this point in his short life. I mean, did he even write that screed or was it ChatGPT?

You'd have your laughs, kid. Now move along. There's a car salesman forum you could try.