HHS Major Announcement Coming on Monday

According to this well-written Wikipedia article, it's not mandatory that "qualifying" health insurance be purchased INSIDE an exchange in 2014.
Link: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When you look at all the rules governing health plan coverages, prices, reporting requirements, etc., that will be sold through exchanges, I can't for the life of me understand why any insurance company would want to subject themselves to all the B.S... and for mostly un-healthy new customers at that. After all, it's not mandatory that an insurer even participates in the new exchanges.
After all, it's not mandatory that an insurer even participates in the new exchanges.

I totally agree with this statement, but don't insurers have to participate inside the exchange in order to market outside the exchange?
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Correct. If a company wants to sell a QHP outside the exchange, they must sell inside the exchange also. Gov't won't allow cherry picking
Wow, with all of this speculation on the exchanges, it seems as if indie health could be a great market to sell into. What a future !
It's important to bear in mind that each state's exchange(s) will operate according to that state's set up. There may well be variances between how exchanges operate and how compensation might be paid. I was just looking at California's exchange in comparison to the federal provisions.
A critical key will be if brokers can provide a link to an Exchange plan from a specific carrier that has our broker information imbedded.

If so...things are good because most consumers will not go directly to the Exchange just as they do not go directly to an insurer's website.

But if the system does not allow our broker information to be imbedded, all bets are off. Norvax and Quotit have a HUGE HUGE stake in this so you know they are working behind the scenes to cut EHealth out of the picture...or diminish their role.

Oh yea...GET OUT NOW!!!
I agree with Dave. It will come down to the individual state, and which path they choose to set it up. Get ready to apply for those non-resident licenses........ in exchange-agent-friendly states.