HHS Major Announcement Coming on Monday

Since only sick and lower-income Americans will be purchasing from an exchange, why in the world would ANY insurance company want to be listed on an exchange? I suppose this is the part that I don't understand. HHS would have you believe that the Exchange is going to be a literal gold-mine for insurers. Sorry, but I just don't see how this is a gold-mine.. Especially so if the Supreme Court strikes down the mandate requiring everyone to buy health insurance.

Am I interpreting this Exchange concept incorrectly?


Don't forget, PPACA requires any insurance company wanting to sell plans outside of the exchange must provide plans into the exchange. It's forced compliance. They are also prohibited from charging less premium outside of the exchange.
The Exchange subsidies only last 2 years. Wonder what happens when folks not only see the much higher premiums but have to pay them without a taxpayer subsidy?

Congress can't keep their mitts off the Medicare & SS trust fund which is why we are having problems now. If they can't run Medicare and Medicaid they surely can't make this work.

Makes you wonder what they are smoking up there.
Somarco: For real? The exchange subsidy only lasts the first two years? WTF? Not heard that! But I believe you.
Another interesting tidbit on PPACA, the "Catastrophic" plan option will only be available to certain people who want to buy it. Some of the requirements to buy that plan are that you must be under 30 years of age and have a waiver from the individual mandate. There also may be an income stipulation on it as well. So, most people won't be able to buy the Cat plan and will have to go with Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze.

Also, while the exchanges will be "a" market, remember that it's to FPL 400% meaning a family of four making about 90k will qualify for subsidy.
Somarco: For real? The exchange subsidy only lasts the first two years? WTF? Not heard that! But I believe you.

The subsidy does not end. BTW, it's an "advanced tax credit" supposedly. I believe the 2 yrs of subsidy is for small group plans to entice them to get coverage