Hi - Newly Licensed SC Agent Here / MoO Contract in SC?

Yes I have heard of mutual of Omaha....haven't heard it abbreviated moo.....thought he was talking about mga not insurance company.
Do you have any p&c experience. What exactly are you looking for? I have honestly never heard of moo.

Sorry, life & health only. I have long-since obtained the Mutual contract, but thanks.

I am debating on which I should do .. what part of SC you in? Columbia here.

I am in no position to give you that kind of advice, as I only know one side of the coin - a decision that was heavily influenced from lurking this very forum. I know Colu is full of college-kids, but that is of course not the only type you will find there. I assume you mean due to our region, and not just general questions on comparing independent vs captive, no? Lexington area has some nice family-living/suburbs. Downtown has a lot of small business owners and enough of the corporate type. You're close enough to Charlotte/Rock Hill (a financial mecca of sorts) and Greenville and Aiken.

I'm probably not telling you anything you do not already know, but there should be plenty of room for either which way you go...

I live/operate ~45 min from the heart of Columbia; have done a little business there.