High Court To Hear Challenge To Health Law Subsidies

It could never work financially.

Medicare payroll taxes are now 1.25% on both the employee and employer side and the Medicare pool of eligible is a fraction of the working population making these contributions.

There would have to be an additional, significant payroll tax to put everyone on a Medicare-like system, it could be upwards of 10% (that's a WAG) and would destroy the economy.

To fund the Medicare expansion, just siphon off a Quarter Trillions Dollars of the revenue generated by ObamaCare's 20 Tax hikes. (ref: Full List of Obamacare Tax Hikes | Congressman Jeff Duncan). No need to increase Medicare payroll taxes at all.
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Until the mlr is removed or adjusted I don't care what they do. I need to get paid. Period.

Understood! And agents with good sense like you will always find an excellent way to make money while serving the needs of the clientele. They keep changing the landscape, and only the strong survive.
Medicare is doing just fine, limping along and paying out more in claims than it takes in via taxes. The trust fund is projected to be solvent for another 13 years before the program implodes.

That's more than 2 election cycles away before DC really needs to get serious about the problem.
When is the US going to realize we cant reform anything else but the legislative powers of every state govenment.
But Sam felt they should not be rewarded for their childish banter.

Yeh, there would have been a world of hurt out there if Sam suddenly took away the rewards that go with being in the 5000 plus club.

What did you get? I got a free Doobie Brothers tee shirt.
Is this Match.com ?

And no, I am not into a threesome or long walks. I have a car and like to drive. Particularly when it is 30 below. Why is that all these women looking for men dont know how to drive and want to walk all the time. If you grow up out in the country you are not interested in wallking again, ever.

Not chasin' any men.
Too busy spinning around in circles trying to keep up with ACA.

I just remember (years ago) that your avatar confused me.
Your comments led me to believe you were an older male.
But, the picture of you in my mind just didn't match.
My mind spins around enough these days without Winter adding to my mental confusion.
Not chasin' any men.
Too busy spinning around in circles trying to keep up with ACA.

I just remember (years ago) that your avatar confused me.
Your comments led me to believe you were an older male.
But, the picture of you in my mind just didn't match.

A man is as young as the women he feels.
