High Court To Hear Challenge To Health Law Subsidies

It could never work financially.

.......and would destroy the economy.

Obamacare has already destroyed the economy for well-over 50% of my clients...(the ones who are actually paying their own way in America....the ones who HAD extra money to keep the US economy alive).

US economy is dead very soon.
Did you mark your calendars for Sept 2015, yet?
Huge crash coming.
It could never work financially.

Medicare payroll taxes are now 1.25% on both the employee and employer side and the Medicare pool of eligible is a fraction of the working population making these contributions.

There would have to be an additional, significant payroll tax to put everyone on a Medicare-like system, it could be upwards of 10% (that's a WAG) and would destroy the economy.

Also, keep in mind that you basically pay into medicare for 40-45 years prior to drawing benefits from it. It wasn't financially sound when you had a life expectancy of retiring at 65 and dying at 70. Now that people are living longer, it is really struggling.

Put everyone in, you have a big problem paying for everything, though granted, the older you are the better chance you run up higher medical bills.

Now, if the government would reinsure cancer claims (carrier covers first 100K, then the government covers), you could strike a balance of premiums vs taxes vs fairness.

Administration would be a nightmare.

Winter, have you swapped Condi for Mia Love?

Most of those people who can't afford the plans without the subsidy.

Perhaps that should have been considered before throwing this thing out

They could scrap this whole thing up and go to a single payer.

Not any time soon, unless Boner caves and gives BHO an unlimited line of credit.

The price difference between the two this year is so large, it's gonna create a larger disparity of who has quality care, and who might get care.

Sounds familiar.

Oh yeah, that's what we have now.

More than likely a 2 track system for Insurers..

1. G.I. = Higher Premium / No Commission

2. Underwritten = Lower Premium / Commissionable

Better choice

1 - National Subsidized Risk Pool

2- Modified, simplified underwriting for everyone else

3- Vouchers for low income

Without the mandate GI doesn't look so attractive to carriers...

Doesn't really matter when there is only one carrier running the show.

Maybe this country no longer believes that people should be able to pick and choose what benefits they want to pay for at application time?
The country believes that, Obama doesn't.

Before you start your debate with Somarco, please remind me of 1 thing.
Are you an over-age-50 male (like Somarco)?


Before you start your debate with Somarco, please remind me of 1 thing.
Are you an over-age-50 male (like Somarco)?


Is this Match.com ?

And no, I am not into a threesome or long walks. I have a car and like to drive. Particularly when it is 30 below. Why is that all these women looking for men dont know how to drive and want to walk all the time. If you grow up out in the country you are not interested in wallking again, ever.
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No debate, just an avatar question.

Here's another.

How do you get a 5,000 post sticker when you have 2,796 posts?
Winter, have you swapped Condi for Mia Love?


Absolutely not. But a country boy like me appreciates all the flowers in the garden.

Mia's avatar is just a temporary Election Week Special tribute.

You know Obama said that if he had a son he would look like the Michael Brown, the Gentle Giant or something like that. Well, if Condi had a daughter, she would look like Mia Love. Let the viewers decide which one they prefer.

It's all good. Not really. But it's all good this week so
laissez les bon temps rouler.

Was just reading an article on some dem website that the dems are worried that the pubs may use the budget reconciliation process to try to overturn Crockcare. Heh, dont know if that will happen or not but there is a pantload of entertainment value there. Let Pelosi read the bill to find out what is NOT in it...giggle...giggle.


No debate, just an avatar question.

Here's another.

How do you get a 5,000 post sticker when you have 2,796 posts?

Apparently an old timer like you does not keep up with the new math. Let me give another recent example of how the new math works.

I recently read that Obama has "doubled" the number of boots that will NOT be on the ground. He is adding 1500 or so more troops going to Iraq. The original number was 0. Therefore, 2 X 0 = 3000. Who would have ever thunk?

But to answer your question directly, Sam weights posts based on content value so when that is factored in my 2796 = is greater than 5000.

No debate, just an avatar question.

Here's another.

How do you get a 5,000 post sticker when you have 2,796 posts?

People used to get post numbers when posting in the Religious/politics forum.
But Sam felt they should not be rewarded for their childish banter.
So, he removed all those posts from the count, but allowed those above 5k to stay in the elite forum and keep their banner. Now, they just talk about the good ole' bush days.

Sidenote - I had 20,000 posts until that doomsday scenario occurred. I gave up after the 2nd re-election when I realized this country is just too stupid. I now live in Canada, selling ACA to the same stupid US citizens.
Underwriting is absolutely possible again. I'm not saying I want to go back there, mind you, but it's been done before.

You just need some sort of high-risk program and low-income program.

It takes time to transition. I hate to be blunt, but the high-risk folks either die off, go on Medicare Disability, or retire into Medicare. (I'm not saying a bad high-risk option will be killing them off mind you, but even with a great high-risk plan the illness that these folks suffer from will accomplish this.)

Even Medicare itself is essentially a high-risk pool for the class of people (Elderly & Disabled) who are otherwise uninsurable. Does that high-risk pool (Medicare) take the heat off the rates for the rest of us? Absolutely.

So, over time, the transition of people to either high-risk or underwritten can be accomplished. There is even hope for a supplement for the high-risk folks. There is a supplement currently for the high-risk category known as Medicare! And, there is underwriting too, outside the GI period. So, it's doable.

Pre-ACA, the HIPAA laws made group insurance GI since the mid 1990's. Although every group was approved, it was still simplified underwritten, and rates could be adjusted according to risk, up to a set maximum. It worked. And most states had an option for groups who were previously uninsured and ended up at the high end of the rates. We had one here in AZ. Groups also gave GI to new-employees and/or anyone with a QLE/SEP. It worked.

Has anyone listened to our Sage (Somarco)? He said this:
1 - National Subsidized Risk Pool
2- Modified, simplified underwriting for everyone else
3- Vouchers for low income

Agreed. I also like how he said the other day the Vouchers should be based on last years income, and they should get a certificate for whatever plan they wish to buy (without an exchange in the middle).

Medicaid is essentially a low-income pool. But vouchers have been done before too. They are available for previously uninsured groups here in AZ. And it's SIMPLE! The 1-page app is only contact information, years in business, number of employees, and signature. Then you get a 1-page certificate and the insurance company bills you for the net premium only. It works. Very well. No exchange.

Will this happen? I don't know. But I never would have predicted some of the twists and turns we've been through these last few years, either.

I anticipate that the Individual Mandate will be vulnerable, because it is one of those "unpopular items" in the law, and the Repubs know that it triggers an internal crash.

Lots of people say the first thing to go is the medical device tax, but I think they are going to axe the Employer Mandate, making all those large businesses very happy. Next would be lessening the noose on Small Group and IFP plan design restrictions & mandates thereby lowering the premium, and here we go.
Underwriting is absolutely possible again. I'm not saying I want to go back there, mind you, but it's been done before.

You just need some sort of high-risk program and low-income program.

It takes time to transition. I hate to be blunt, but the high-risk folks either die off, go on Medicare Disability, or retire into Medicare. (I'm not saying a bad high-risk option will be killing them off mind you, but even with a great high-risk plan the illness that these folks suffer from will accomplish this.)

Even Medicare itself is essentially a high-risk pool for the class of people (Elderly & Disabled) who are otherwise uninsurable. Does that high-risk pool (Medicare) take the heat off the rates for the rest of us? Absolutely.

So, over time, the transition of people to either high-risk or underwritten can be accomplished. There is even hope for a supplement for the high-risk folks. There is a supplement currently for the high-risk category known as Medicare! And, there is underwriting too, outside the GI period. So, it's doable.

Pre-ACA, the HIPAA laws made group insurance GI since the mid 1990's. Although every group was approved, it was still simplified underwritten, and rates could be adjusted according to risk, up to a set maximum. It worked. And most states had an option for groups who were previously uninsured and ended up at the high end of the rates. We had one here in AZ. Groups also gave GI to new-employees and/or anyone with a QLE/SEP. It worked.

Has anyone listened to our Sage (Somarco)? He said this:

Agreed. I also like how he said the other day the Vouchers should be based on last years income, and they should get a certificate for whatever plan they wish to buy (without an exchange in the middle).

Medicaid is essentially a low-income pool. But vouchers have been done before too. They are available for previously uninsured groups here in AZ. And it's SIMPLE! The 1-page app is only contact information, years in business, number of employees, and signature. Then you get a 1-page certificate and the insurance company bills you for the net premium only. It works. Very well. No exchange.

Will this happen? I don't know. But I never would have predicted some of the twists and turns we've been through these last few years, either.

I anticipate that the Individual Mandate will be vulnerable, because it is one of those "unpopular items" in the law, and the Repubs know that it triggers an internal crash.

Lots of people say the first thing to go is the medical device tax, but I think they are going to axe the Employer Mandate, making all those large businesses very happy. Next would be lessening the noose on Small Group and IFP plan design restrictions & mandates thereby lowering the premium, and here we go.

Until the mlr is removed or adjusted I don't care what they do. I need to get paid. Period.