High HDL

My total cholesterol was 183, with HDL of 79, LDL of 87 and Triglycerides of 84.

All of the other numbers are totally normal and in the specified ranges (e.g. blood pressure is 110/70). I am in perfect health, run five miles four days a week, and have not had a doctor's visit (other than regular physicals) in 6 years (and that was for a sore throat). That is why the concern with high HDL is of interest to me.
I assumed (incorrectly) that you were doing this on your own. Sorry.

You should contact Wino Blues and I see he responded to you (above). He's our resident CA life insurance expert. I'm sure he can help you get better value in a plan than your absentee agent.


Oh thank! What did I do to you?:err:
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My total cholesterol was 183, with HDL of 79, LDL of 87 and Triglycerides of 84.

All of the other numbers are totally normal and in the specified ranges (e.g. blood pressure is 110/70). I am in perfect health, run five miles four days a week, and have not had a doctor's visit (other than regular physicals) in 6 years (and that was for a sore throat). That is why the concern with high HDL is of interest to me.

A lot of very otherwise healthy people have high cholesterol, sometimes it is inherited.

What is your Ht and Wt or BMI?
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My total cholesterol was 183, with HDL of 79, LDL of 87 and Triglycerides of 84.

All of the other numbers are totally normal and in the specified ranges (e.g. blood pressure is 110/70). I am in perfect health, run five miles four days a week, and have not had a doctor's visit (other than regular physicals) in 6 years (and that was for a sore throat). That is why the concern with high HDL is of interest to me.

That is a really low ratio, almost 1:1. I can see why it would give an insurance company pause.

Talk to Lee.
The quote was from Reliastar/ING for $500k.
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That is a really low ratio, almost 1:1. I can see why it would give an insurance company pause.

Talk to Lee.

I am unaware of research on problems with low ratios. Why would this give an insurance company pause?
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No. Level term life insurance.

I did not know they had a 25 year.

There has to be something else here. Family history. Any death of a family member prior to age 60 from cardiac or cancer? Any diagnosis of cardiac or cancer in a family member. These are first line family. Parent or brother and sister.
I did not know they had a 25 year.

There has to be something else here. Family history. Any death of a family member prior to age 60 from cardiac or cancer? Any diagnosis of cardiac or cancer in a family member. These are first line family. Parent or brother and sister.

Both parents are alive and well and closing in on 70.

I am glad to hear you say that there must be something else here because that is my feeling as well.

I would like to contact you directly but am unable to do so without 20 posts.