Hitting the smaller business for life apps.

Re: Hitting the smaller business for life aps.

When you are talking about strip mall and stores. You are really talking about business owners, or are you talking about the clients that are shopping there?

I go to business owners only. I'm not sure about speaking with their customers. I'm a bit hesitant about doing so, some of the places have some signage prohibitting solication.

I think that you need to use the free living will post that I have on the forum. It is a great door opener. It's very easy to start talking to anyone about a free living will. See my other post on the subject for more info.

The Living will is a great tool to use, would I need any certification to do this though?

One idea might be for me to set up a small display table at such a mall with appropriate signage.

Also you said, you collect business cards. I hope that you are giving out more then you are collecting. I will talk about business cards in another post soon.

I've read two different views of this. Most cards, if left will tend to end up in the trash. I'd rather get their cards, as it has the information for me to use on the One Card System, I sometimes have to add their email address details. I can then send them a quick note thanking them for speaking with me.

What I would like to do to help you, is for you to contact me and allow me to go over some ideas one on one and make you a great sales plan.

I'd more than welcome your help on this. I thnk you've got my contact details already.

If you are talking about business owners. They like living benefits more then death benefits. Go for C.I. and D.I.

I think that health insurance is easier to sell to them then life insurance also. But health insurance is not my subject. I'm dumber then dirt when it comes to health insurance. I pass all health clients to the rest of my family including my wife that is an health agent also.

My "pitch" has more to do with staff benefits, e.g., health, vision, dental. I don't really mention life, retirement etc. for some reason.

We're connected with an outfit called "Employee Benefit Partners" who provide a rather excellent service for group benefits. I leave their brouchure wiht my contact details with the managers that I speak with.

Mark, thanks for your advice and for your offer of help.

Reuben Dunn
Re: Hitting the smaller business for life aps.

He also talks about how most networking functions are non-productive. (I imagine Bob #2 will disagree). Most of the folks at these functions are sales people trying to sell to the same folks you are.

Not totally disagree. You have to network effectively. You have to pick your places. He is right. When you go to a trade show, that is nothing more than salesmen selling to other salesmen. If I, however, am the only health insurance agent at a "Cover The Uninsured" function, then I have those that are on the fence about health care, and want more information. I have no competition, and can follow up with them.

I've been to the last three, here in the Atlanta area, and have picked up a handful of IFP, and three small businesses.

Back to the topic at hand. Speak to people the way you'd want them to speak to you.
As many of you know, Im captive, new and have quotas to meet unlike the career agents I work with. Im supplemental for 35 more months or until I validate my Contract of 105 Life aps.

I dont know what this tactic is called but in my small town, we strive on the 5 to 50 employee, family owned deals. So, I call the owner. Tell him who I am with, Im not selling anything. If I am "in the area" Ill just roll right in on him/her and introduce myself.

I ask if they have a group LIFE plan? Not Health, LIFE. Naturally, he will say no. I acknowledge that at no cost to him, I set down with each and everyone of his clients and offer them Life insurance at an affordable rate.

I Let him know that there is no contracts for him to sign, nothing for him to pay. He asks whats in it for him?

I say, knowing that your employees have been offered a chance to secure their lives and families because you allowed my company in his business.

Ill be honest, you dont validate, you go bye,bye. If this works on the plan that I have, I will validate in 18 Months.

Comments, suggestions, critics, you cant hurt me. :laugh:

Merry Christmas.

I am a former captive agent with a major multi-lines insurance company. After spending the last two years in agency development, I recently have been interviewing for for financial advisor/life sales positions.

One of the people I interviewed with this week quoted an interesting statistic: "two-thirds of small business owners have not done any business succession planning."

Now while this is anecdotal and I can't cite a source, it seems like it should be true. So, why not go BtoB to the small business owners in your area and ask:

"Have you done any business succession planning?" or better yet, "Who handles your business succession plan?"

I bet most business owners don't have an answer, especially to the second question. If they don't have a succession plan (or ask you, "What's a business succession plan?") now you have an inroad to setting up a buy-sell agreement funded with life insurance, something that can be done relatively inexpensively. Once you've helped the business owner with his/her succession planning, then you can move on to getting a referral to/making a group presentation to the employees.

Can you call on 20 small businesses a week this way? I bet at least 1 in 10 would be willing to listen, right now, and a few more would drip your way if you kept in contact with them over the next six-months to a year. Write 1 a week (or 50 a year) and you are on your way to hitting your numbers.