House Could Delay Until 2010

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Join Date: Jan 2009

Re: House Could Delay Until 2010 Go to Top

Al, I hope you fall into a puddle of AIDS buddy....

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

Quote of the Day: "It is the competition of profit-seeking entrepreneurs that does not tolerate the preservation of false prices . . ." -- Ludwig von Mises, "Human Action" 3rd edition, pages 337-338

No sh*t!
"let's all see what we can get away with …"
Me, I'm thinking the former approach creates a higher standard and more growth?

Subject: Have you noticed that there's a rebellion underway?

"Most definitely. Everyone that we have spoken to HATES the idea of a "public" option.

The latest Rassmusen poll released on August 11th is bad news for the Big Government health care bill . . .

* A majority oppose the bill -- 53% to 42%
I say it's higher than 53%. Anyone with a pot to p*ss in or a window to throw it out of "ain't" buy'n it.
* That's down 5 points from two weeks ago and 8 points from six weeks ago

Of course, because the people who actually work for a living, and like doing so are realizing that this whole B.S. thing is about the expansion of Medicaid; which of course, if he was able to finagle it, might just get BO reelected as, 84,000,000 people are black / Latino and, more often than not, are in the lower socio economic voting block? A reality.

The intensity numbers are even better -- 44% strongly oppose the proposal while only 26% strongly favor it.

This intensity is being demonstrated in the rebellion members of Congress are facing at town hall meetings. While we dislike the rude tactics some citizens are using, we completely understand and agree with the anger.

One thing driving this is the spreading realization that the so-called "public option" is really a Trojan Horse that will lead to a "single payer" system . . .

Winter, you were on this early on. Props. I see this now.
It is great to see how people are not allowing the current feds. to just stream roll over them with their bill proposition.
This is real America. Makes me proud to be here again.

* The "public option" is tax-subsidized government insurance that would charge lower premiums than private companies could afford to match -- that's the whole point of the tax subsidy
* This would eventually drive private health insurance out of business, leaving us with a "single payer" government system
* The so-called "single payer" would really be ALL taxpayers, because taxes would fund all health care
* In other words, public-option equals single-payer equals socialism

But here again, the news is encouraging . . .

Rassmusen reports that a whopping 57% oppose a single-payer system, while only 32% favor it.

And here's the best news of all . . .

51% percent fear government health care more than they do the insurance companies.

Except for the people who have always had their coverage paid for (80 – 90%) by their employer;
Can only see things to the point of free or not free; or who still think the police are here to "serve and protect; the govt. is their friend and that people in general are nice and that "profit driven" ins. companies are mean."
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