How could we improve Insurance Forums?

If by MEMBERS you mean "consumers" who come to this foum one time and are looking for guidance on complex insurance concepts - I am guilty as charged. I find it a lot easier to issue an opinion on a deductilbe, once i have 'defined' it is a health insurance policy or a property policy.

Im just trying to help people.

Wow - ALL CAPS! You must really not like my suggestion.
If by MEMBERS you mean "consumers" who come to this foum one time and are looking for guidance on complex insurance concepts - I am guilty as charged. I find it a lot easier to issue an opinion on a deductilbe, once i have 'defined' it is a health insurance policy or a property policy.

Im just trying to help people.

Wow - ALL CAPS! You must really not like my suggestion.
When I came to this forum I had functioned a bit as a responder in another forum that had consumer questions of a technical nature. I expected this forum to function in a similar manner. It did not take long to see that this forum did not function that way, and given the independent nature of independent insurance agents, it was highly unlikely that it could, or would, do so.

In the senior forum I have seen experienced agents who should know better ask questions which just assume other experienced agents can read their minds and their situations with the provision of very limited information. Sometimes that works for an answer, sometimes it doesn't. I have sometime been strongly criticized for asking a clarifying question that I believed experienced agents needed to know to answer the original post. (And sometimes my asking a clarifying question has shut off any other response in the thread.)

When I first came to the forum I asked some questions both above the line in the agent area and below the line in the consumer area. There was one agent in particular who actually criticized me more strongly over my posts in the consumer area than those I made in the agent area.

All I can tell you is, "I know from personal experience here and elsewhere and from watching posts here, many insurance professionals on the forum will not be happy if the forum management members start regulating format and content of posts because that leads to more posting restriction of one kind or another."

I am not sure you really appreciate the freedom of expression Sam allows here.
Instead of closing a thread that might be beneficial to some, why not just remove the offending posts ( after all, they are still there for people to see) and prevent the offender from r om making additional posts in the thread?
Instead of closing a thread that might be beneficial to some, why not just remove the offending posts ( after all, they are still there for people to see) and prevent the offender from r om making additional posts in the thread?
Your suggestion makes sense, and as you said, that person would also need to be put in time out or he'd just be back on bashing people for getting his posts removed. And on that thread removing the all the offending posts would make that thread really short. As a result I am sure the resulting temper tantrum would leave the original name calling and insults far behind in the dust.
The forum used to put people in "time out". Sometimes they were locked out for a few days, sometimes it was a few weeks. I remember one or two when it was a few months.

At one time, non-insurance convos were going to be moderated into the non-insurance section.... and political discussion was supposed to be banned moving forward. That lasted all of a week, maybe.

I like the idea of just deleting posts. If a certain number of posts are deleted, then you go into time out. Repeat offenses result in a longer time out.

If someone wants to act like a child, treat them like a child