How could we improve Insurance Forums?

Getting back to the location issue. It's a pet peeve of mine (down boy) on other sites, too.

Make location part of the registration process. In other words a registrant puts their location or registration stops and goes no further. Once the location is registered, have it appear in the poster's avatar like somarco and marindependent and, obviously, me.

I have found, on other sites, that "guides" requesting location are ignored.

Some people on here may need to have a certain level of anonymity. Especially if they are securities registered, work for a carriers home office, etc.

Why does a persons location matter?
@Allen Trent is homeless . . . hence, no location.
With apologies to Jon Kabat-Zinn

Oh, but wherever he goes, there he is.

When location is important to a correct answer to a post, the responders will usually (or should if they don't) ask anyway.

The large volume of phone insurance sales plus the asking of questions for friends and family often render a poster's "official" location totally irrelevant for a responder to give a correct answer to a question.

Think Medicare insurance questions as an example.

I think Allen Trent recently may have asked an auto or property related question like that himself.
Some people on here may need to have a certain level of anonymity. Especially if they are securities registered, work for a carriers home office, etc.

Why does a persons location matter?
It often matters to get a correct answer to a post, but the proper location for a proper answer to a post is not necessarily the state of a forum member's residence.

Medicare, annuity, and life insurance sales questions immediately come to mind.