How Do You Drive Traffic to Your Website

Haha no, I wont make you wait. I am in the midst of building a website with a wealth of information to educate consumers on many insurance and retirement planning products with information tailored to their specific state.

I have a decade of internet marketing experience as part of one of the captive companies and I know how leads from these types of websites convert. Since I am doing it myself, I am going bigger and better than I ever have before.

If and when a consumer fills out a lead form on the site you can be 100% sure they are interested in the product and already know a lot about it. I won't need any of those Home Depot gift card scams...

The main issue is, it's a heck of a lot of work. Im probably 100 hours in but it's coming along great.


One of the main issues for me is actually learning how to sell leads. That's something I've never done. I can generate true search leads left and right but most lead companies out there have bad reps in the internet space and sell the leads to countless agents. They dilute the price they sell them at and conversion rate for the agent, so there will be a learning curve for me in that regard.

I can tell you now my leads will be 100% exclusive and delivered instantly, I refuse to go about business the way they do.
Thanks for the info, definitely a great idea. I will probably start out a few for free in certain states once the site goes up because I will have to do something with the leads once they come in. Then after I get the feedback (hopefully they'll post on here about it) I will move on to selling. I want to provide independents with what the captives have been getting because I have the skills to do it.
"Then after I get the feedback (hopefully they'll post on here about it)"
Be careful what you wish for! Just kidding (sort of).

Let me start by suggesting you do the basics to drive traffic. Agents are always going after the appeal of Social media. Go With Social Media 101 to drive the traffic. Write a weekly/monthly/ Quarterly Article that your clients actually want to read and send that to your clients via email.

I think too many agents don't/ can't email their clients because they don't have an email address for their clients. If you do have that list... write an article on the claims process. What to expect and some helpful hints. After one Very well written paragraph have them click the link to finish the read on your site.

You have to write it. Don't buy from these companies who write for you. It lacks your personality and it will get deleted. Provide pertinent information they want to read about in a voice they want to here. Send them Articles in the local news revolving around Ins.

On your signature block use your agencies website.

When you post stuff on FB or other places online leave a link.

Don't rely on your Internet traffic. The captives own that space. (Too many agents when asked what their business plan will consist of say, "Social media"- NO!)

Register your URL on Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Don't pay for social media help. Google it and figure it out.

Contact Carriers for help, they have some decent corporate content- Don't use too much of it, remember- your voice. (Safeco Bricks and Clicks for help.)

I used to blog on this topic: Shawn M. Walker | Best Practices for Independent Insurance Agents
A really great one is to run a giveaway on FB saying "Like" us on FB (if you don't have many friends you can Boost it, for something around $30) and you will be entered to win a gift card from Starbucks or Subway, nothing to expensive and only one winner every time you run the campaignt. It cost you $20 in a gift card and you receive hundreds of likes quickly which is shared with all the people who "LIKED" you friends