How do you manage multiple softwares?

I would never trust sunfire or connecture to look up doctors.
Search and Save is a great system for doctor accuracy, but for a CRM it's lower to middle of the road. I use radius bob for my CRM and S&S for accurate doctor info

What do you use for drugs then? Or is that also the Saerch and Save?
What do you use for drugs then? Or is that also the Saerch and Save?

S&S is good there too. I've been using Connecture, just because it makes the app process easy but I'll migrate to S&S this next year for that too.

S&S doesn't connect to sunfire. Their SOA isn't as quick as radius. Their webisite is very slow. For $25 a month it's worth to find all MAPD doctors but its needs major work to be a one stop shop.
S&S is good there too. I've been using Connecture, just because it makes the app process easy but I'll migrate to S&S this next year for that too.

S&S doesn't connect to sunfire. Their SOA isn't as quick as radius. Their webisite is very slow. For $25 a month it's worth to find all MAPD doctors but its needs major work to be a one stop shop.

I signed up for the 30 day free trial with search and save right before aep . I played with it a little while but never used it . I don't like the interface as it seems 10 yrs outdated . But if you can enter a dr and it accurately populates all planes that Dr takes I'll have to relook at it . Would you keep your paper scopes there ? I was going to upload them to Connecture . But I'm worried if Fmo's disappear Connecture will to
I signed up for the 30 day free trial with search and save right before aep . I played with it a little while but never used it . I don't like the interface as it seems 10 yrs outdated . But if you can enter a dr and it accurately populates all planes that Dr takes I'll have to relook at it . Would you keep your paper scopes there ? I was going to upload them to Connecture . But I'm worried if Fmo's disappear Connecture will to

I use it solely for doctor lookup. It's very accurate.
But, when I'm in a zone, it can slow me down. It's a very slow program.

My SOAs are completed through radius bob. I've never seen an SOA as simple.
To get accurate doctor info for$25, easily worth it
I use MedicareApp by integrity. Once you put in their doctors, meds and pharmacy it will show you if they are in network. It's also free and you can sign in to Sunfire and conecture(sp?) from the MedicareApp as well as med supps.
I use MedicareApp by integrity. Once you put in their doctors, meds and pharmacy it will show you if they are in network. It's also free and you can sign in to Sunfire and conecture(sp?) from the MedicareApp as well as med supps.
We all have that.

Some of us prefer our own crm. Not one provided by an FMO. That way if we get pissed off and leave, our client records go with us.

And many on here have said that both Sunfire and Connecture can be a little flaky when it comes to providers.