How long does a release take?


1000 Post Club
For those with experience on this, how long does a release take? I asked for one from one of my FMOs for the only line they have for me (Envision PDP). My request was submitted and confirmed receipt on 3/8. I was told this has to be forwarded to the owner, but its been 11 days. Any advice would be appreciated.
Update - today I got a reciprocal release form to get my new FMO to sign. Hopefully things will go smoothly now.
*** Spammy post deleted
Just why should any IMO think they own an agent just because they got him a contract? Most do very little for the agent other than that.. Oh, they might have a webinar once in a while but that is basically it.. And, yes, Gordon is taking the attitude that they own the agent if they are willing to consider him / her "collateral damage". If they truly think of the agent as their client (which they should) then they should be willing to release based upon the agent's desires without regard of what the other IMO does.
Someone please explain why the deletion of the post as spam?
Apologies for violating any TOS, clearly we are new here.

If you don't want the honest advice from one of the largest FMOs in the nation, cool, we'll stay on other platforms that want free advice. We've been asked to contribute here, and gave a very honest opinion. If you think that agents are never collateral damage, you live in a very small bubble. This is a toxic topic that FMOs won't talk about. We give and get releases everyday and there is a lot of politics involved between FMOs.