If you only need 3 agents dialing on 3 lines each, it doesn't take much to get this done.
If you need more, or unique things, then it gets pricey quick, but then so does leasing a seat (multiples of), so its a wash in some ways.
Josh's math is a bit off. Running a server for multiple agents needs to be compared to leasing multiple seats. If you figure $100 per seat x 3 seats, you are paying $300 a month.
Compare that to $35 a month for a hosted system at lylix.net or virtualhost.com. Now, you have some costs on top of this, such as the per minute costs of the calls, but it still doesn't come up to the $300.
Leasing seats are more cost effective if you use them 12+ hours a day. It's amazing what you can rack up in telephony charges as a small user. Nobody allows this type of use on a flat rate either.
Without a bit of technical know how though, getting a dialer running reliably can be a bit overwhelming. Downtime isn't productive time. Time spent playing with a dialer and not dialing is unproductive time. You add this in, leasing seats is not a bad way to go at all.
If you need more, or unique things, then it gets pricey quick, but then so does leasing a seat (multiples of), so its a wash in some ways.
Josh's math is a bit off. Running a server for multiple agents needs to be compared to leasing multiple seats. If you figure $100 per seat x 3 seats, you are paying $300 a month.
Compare that to $35 a month for a hosted system at lylix.net or virtualhost.com. Now, you have some costs on top of this, such as the per minute costs of the calls, but it still doesn't come up to the $300.
Leasing seats are more cost effective if you use them 12+ hours a day. It's amazing what you can rack up in telephony charges as a small user. Nobody allows this type of use on a flat rate either.
Without a bit of technical know how though, getting a dialer running reliably can be a bit overwhelming. Downtime isn't productive time. Time spent playing with a dialer and not dialing is unproductive time. You add this in, leasing seats is not a bad way to go at all.