How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

I'm sure you did. You left out an important part....."....most of which make no sense."

Radical guys literally tried to kill Trump. Sounds pretty f-uuunkin radical to me. Witch many times does Trump have to be acquitted and not be behind bars to realize it's a sham? And don't even begin to bring up "34 felonies" where rules were literally changed to get him "convicted." And he was "convicted" under a far left judge. Rigged and hoax....the left routinely ignores any and all evidence of the fake election. 81 million votes for Joe? LOL. Russia? Trump is the only President Putin didn't encroach into someone's else's territory under. And we also had ZERO wars. Yet the left has TONS of ties to Russia. Little projection there. sleepy're not serious about this one, right? LOL. Did I miss any?
Please turn off Fox Entertainment.

and p.s. The shooter was a registered Republican.
Please turn off Fox Entertainment.

and p.s. The shooter was a registered Republican.
The typical weak Democrat response. Actually not a big Fox News guy. Actually really not even a Trump guy. The Republican ticket could've ran a watermelon and I'd vote for it. He was a 20 year old kid that never voted. The radical leftist extremist nut jobs that love to shoot people they don't agree with routinely register as "Republicans" in primaries to try and mess up Republican primary races and get the weaker candidate in. This is common knowledge and they brag about it online. The left focuses on personalities, emotions, things that don't matter. The right focuses on policies.