How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

What president do you think would be better for us agents? Doesnt Kamala want single payer? She wanted to abolish private insurance back in 2019.
Since Kamala is one of the most liberal democrats out there, I'd have to go with Trump.

Bear in mind that Kamala is in campaign mode right now and she knows that she has to move closer to center in order to get elected. I doubt she's going to say much about insurance right now.

Also consider the shear number of seniors already on Medicare. Neither candidate is going to jump on that grizzly bear.
Get back to me on your thinking when you see Him vs. Her after they debate.
So much this. They've been able to mostly hide her away for 4 years. Once she is on the big Presidential stage, she is toast. I don't care how much some people don't like Trump, the guy could outdebate virtually anyone.

Especially this 68 IQ simpleton. All she does is repeat and rehash catchphrases....most of which make no sense. Mentally, she is WAY out of her league.

This is a chihuahua trying to beat a male lion. Her record on everything is also atrocious. All he has to do is hammer her on the border, constantly, and that's enough to beat her.

I know the Democrats are super excited to have a man with late stage dementia out of the picture, and that's why they're riding high, but it's all fake hopium and nothing more.

Once reality sets back in and Trump lands a few figurative haymakers, it's lights out for Harris and all the helium will be out of that hopium balloon. Unfortunately for Democrats, reality is not their strength.

They currently just have the media giving her nothing but good fake publicity and are trying to gaslight everyone in to thinking she's "surging" and is "popular." but reality is, she's not.

When it comes to Kamala, you're definitely gonna be "burdened by what has been."
Radical left, witch hunt, rigged, hoax, border border border, woke, Russia Russia Russia, sleepy Joe.....did I miss any?
I'm sure you did. You left out an important part....."....most of which make no sense."

Radical guys literally tried to kill Trump. Sounds pretty f-uuunkin radical to me. Witch many times does Trump have to be acquitted and not be behind bars to realize it's a sham? And don't even begin to bring up "34 felonies" where rules were literally changed to get him "convicted." And he was "convicted" under a far left judge. Rigged and hoax....the left routinely ignores any and all evidence of the fake election. 81 million votes for Joe? LOL. Russia? Trump is the only President Putin didn't encroach into someone's else's territory under. And we also had ZERO wars. Yet the left has TONS of ties to Russia. Little projection there. sleepy're not serious about this one, right? LOL. Did I miss any?
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I'm sure you did. You left out an important part....."....most of which make no sense."

Radical guys literally tried to kill Trump. Witch many times does Trump have to be acquitted and not be behind bars to realize it's a sham. And don't even begin to bring up 34 felonies where rules were literally changed to get him "convicted." Rigged and hoax....the left routinely ignores any and all evidence of the fake election. 81 million votes for Joe? LOL. Russia? Trump is the only President Putin didn't encroach into someone's else's territory under. Yet the left has TONS of ties to Russia. Little projection there. sleepy're not serious about this one, right? LOL. Did I miss any?
I call him Foolbelt