How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

Who was it that blocked the border bill in february and for what reason was it done.Anybody that thinks the Orange Jesus actually cares about anything or anyone other than himself needs to take a reality pill.

BTW i am not a liberal and yes i have benefitted from tax cuts but unlike many americans who call themselves patriots i actually care about the future of this country and wouldn't vote for a corrupt psychopath l for president just to put a few dollars in my pocket
If he cared about himself, he'd be on a yacht in another country laughing at what this country has become. I know I would be if I didn't give a crap about America. This guy is literally getting shot at for this country. He doesn't take a salary. His own businesses are losing tons of money because he can't engage them in many things because of conflicts of interest. Exactly what is he gaining?? The guy was 1/4 inch away from death, two weeks ago. You think anyone who doesn't care about America wants this in their twilight years???
Right on i am not for open borders but i know that our economy would be in much worse condition if we didn't have those workers.Population growth is a key ingredient in GDP growth.These are jobs Amurikans won't do and many of these illegals work under a fake social security numbers and pay in to FICA but will never collect social security and other benefits.The wackadoodle MAGA love them some strong economy but the browning of our population not so much.

My brother in law is a builder in florida and for the last 15 years the only workers his subcontractors can get are Hispanic probably mostly illegal and since our nutty governor desantis cracked down on people who hire illegals it is even harder to find workers so higher home prices for you.if the GOP was serious about stopping illegal immigration nationally they would focus on employers who hire them but that would devastate industries like agriculture and they won't do it because they are afraid of pissing of the big Ag. corporations that donate to their party and campaigns.
There is a lot of truth right here.

I sold roofing / siding. I remember like yesterday sitting down with an older couple and the lady said, "I don't want illegals putting my roof or siding on."

I told her the truth. Our co subcontracts the job to one guy who has "his crew" and frankly we don't know any more details beyond that (well, at least I didn't, I was just sales). He pays his crew, we don't, we pay him.

But then I said, your roofing / siding job is $24,000. If you want a bunch of guys born in Ohio to put it on you're easily looking at $33,000+.

Crazy how "it's OK" and she went with the $24,000 job. Hypocritical! The right wants to "keep illegals out" but man they'll hate the new prices if their wish came true.

[I say this as a conservative. My view on immigration is that is needs to be greatly streamlined and simplified. Come in, say the pledge - maybe a few other things but nothing crazy; welcome, happy to have you. So many come in illegally because the legal way is too difficult. Why not simplify? It really would get rid of so much crap.]
The right wants to "keep illegals out" but man they'll hate the new prices if their wish came true.
You left out the part about the Free Cheese.

How many generations deep are we now with people who had rather stay at home and leech off the government than go out and get a job?

Close the border and fix welfare. You'll be surprised how fast things would turn around.
The Senate had a bi-partisan border deal but Dictator didn't want it so his cult members voted it down by members who were part of drawing up the border deal!!! A deal endorsed by the Border Patrol Unit...who endorses Dictator every election.

I guess MAGA doesn't care about T65's auto-enrolled in MAPD plans. If it were Kamala proposing it this forum would be all over her.
There is a lot of truth right here.

I sold roofing / siding. I remember like yesterday sitting down with an older couple and the lady said, "I don't want illegals putting my roof or siding on."

I told her the truth. Our co subcontracts the job to one guy who has "his crew" and frankly we don't know any more details beyond that (well, at least I didn't, I was just sales). He pays his crew, we don't, we pay him.

But then I said, your roofing / siding job is $24,000. If you want a bunch of guys born in Ohio to put it on you're easily looking at $33,000+.

Crazy how "it's OK" and she went with the $24,000 job. Hypocritical! The right wants to "keep illegals out" but man they'll hate the new prices if their wish came true.

[I say this as a conservative. My view on immigration is that is needs to be greatly streamlined and simplified. Come in, say the pledge - maybe a few other things but nothing crazy; welcome, happy to have you. So many come in illegally because the legal way is too difficult. Why not simplify? It really would get rid of so much crap.]
I have a Mexican that mows my yard. Several acres for $65. He even weed eats for $25 more. They are good workers. Get an American to do it for that price....not happening.