How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

If he cared about himself, he'd be on a yacht in another country laughing at what this country has become. I know I would be if I didn't give a crap about America. This guy is literally getting shot at for this country. He doesn't take a salary. His own businesses are losing tons of money because he can't engage them in many things because of conflicts of interest. Exactly what is he gaining?? The guy was 1/4 inch away from death, two weeks ago. You think anyone who doesn't care about America wants this in their twilight years???

How naive he is literally making bank with his publicity of being a president ,he never divested from the trump org like he said he would actually charging the secret service higher than normal room rates to stay in his hotels and the number one thing he cares about most , way more than god,country and family is attention and adoration.He said he donated his salary but there is no proof because he is the only president to not show his taxes but the tax records from the state of NY that the NY times was able to coble together do not indicate he donated his salary after the first year however the Trump org did get in trouble for setting up a fake charity as another way to scam his sheeple
Here's more of JD....great vetting job MAGA...the guy has issues....and I don't have kids. My son died in 2022.

There is a lot of truth right here.

I sold roofing / siding. I remember like yesterday sitting down with an older couple and the lady said, "I don't want illegals putting my roof or siding on."

I told her the truth. Our co subcontracts the job to one guy who has "his crew" and frankly we don't know any more details beyond that (well, at least I didn't, I was just sales). He pays his crew, we don't, we pay him.

But then I said, your roofing / siding job is $24,000. If you want a bunch of guys born in Ohio to put it on you're easily looking at $33,000+.

Crazy how "it's OK" and she went with the $24,000 job. Hypocritical! The right wants to "keep illegals out" but man they'll hate the new prices if their wish came true.

[I say this as a conservative. My view on immigration is that is needs to be greatly streamlined and simplified. Come in, say the pledge - maybe a few other things but nothing crazy; welcome, happy to have you. So many come in illegally because the legal way is too difficult. Why not simplify? It really would get rid of so much crap.]

Well said and think about how all the MAGA Walmart shoppers are going to flip their lid when Walmart " rolls up " prices as a result of all the tariffs trump wants do.Think the sheeple that are pro trump economic policies are really going to want to pay twice as much for products made in the US-think again
Well said and think about how all the MAGA Walmart shoppers are going to flip their lid when Walmart " rolls up " prices as a result of all the tariffs trump wants do.Think the sheeple that are pro trump economic policies are really going to want to pay twice as much for products made in the US-think again

Wow you guys are still talking about this

and talking about flipping a lid, I don't know I there are story after story of Woman crashes into car because they had a trump sticker on it

woman attacks man at bar because of trump shirt

Heck my Dad was attacked in a restaurant because of a Trump hat

Again I am not supporting the man, more then the by far lesser evil which is still very bad

But the facts are the facts its the left that is really the ones always flipping out above and beyond