How to hire a great assistant

What CRM do you use? I use Zoho. We hired someone off of Upwork (I believe this is what we used) to write the code so that now when a new client is entered into Zoho they are automatically entered into Mailbox Power and the birthday card campaign we have set up. We also had it set up so that when we mark a client in Zoho as inactive, deceased or anything that relates to no longer a client that he is then deleted from the MP contact list/campaign. Total cost I think was around $ well spent

I use radius Bob
just transferring the clients was a multiple day event

just fixing and cleaning up the csv file separating first and last name and spouses
I can help with CSV and other data transfers. Before getting onto insurance, I was a data nerd (well, still am...)

I can also help with websites of almost any kind.

Hiring me can save you hours of tedium and headaches!
Spend the next 30 days deciding what you hate to do. That's their role.

The next 30 days, you do 2 things: look for a person and develop training.

For me, it's the damn phone, voicemail, calendar and follow ups. They can't call carriers for you, at least at first. There's just too much.

I think hourly is dumb, mainly because it's one more damn thing to track. Mine are salary. They may work 5-10 hours a week right now and that's fine. In October, they better take their phone into the bathroom with them.

TIP: They get a bonus on Feb 1. Keeps them fighting during 4th quarter.
I've had the best luck with assistants who are already organized and detail-oriented by nature. Instead of focusing only on experience, I look for people who enjoy keeping things in order.
Anyone use LOA's? How do you pay them? Base + Comm? Comm only?

I've reached the point where I have more business than I can handle and I think I can generate enough leads to provide for another producer.
The secretary in our office is retired from medical billing and coding for a cardiologists office. She works three days a week outside of AEP to give herself something to do and 5 days during AEP for Christmas money. She was also a medical receptionist prior to going into coding. She is the sister of a current client. We just started talking to clients about needing extra help. Retirees are a great way to get part time help.