How To Pass the Life, Accident and Health Insurance Exam ?

I think it's much easier to sell insurance products over tangible items:

1) There's no negotiation on price. Clients understand that the rates are firm. Most products sold by commissions salespeople are negotiable leading the client to want to shop many places. Cars are a perfect example where 3 dealerships all have three different prices for the same car.

2) Most salepeople selling something tangible are captive. Using cars again, you cannot work for Ford, Chevy and Toyota at the same time. When you're independent you can represent every company in the market and clients can just stick with you - much like a real estate agent. Imagine if a car salesman could take a client to a Toyota lot, then Ford then BMW.

3) In an overwhemling majority of sales professions your client has to credit qualify for the product - from car sales to home improvement. I'll take health qualification over credit any day of the week. People's credit is absolutely trashed. People with fantastic credit are savvy shoppers and rarely do you make a dime off them. No so in insurance where my commission is fixed.

4) Unlike "luxury" items most people believe insurance is something they simply must have.

And like tangible products, you're simply looking to take enough clients so you find people who have interest and qualify.
The difference between selling tangible and intangible products is no greater than the difference between selling life and selling p & c. (I'm a life guy, by the way)

Sure the technicalities are different, but the root skill is the same. Think about it this way: You can be the most knowledgable person in the world about human anatomy. You can have watched a thousand operations. But if you don't have a steady hand, you can't be a surgeon. Maybe ...MAYBE... you can practice and make your hand slightly more steady, but if you're a shaker you're a shaker and you're never gonna be a surgeon.

If you don't have the sales gene, you don't have it.
If you don't have the sales gene, you don't have it

I don't believe that at all. Insurance is a numbers game and people buy from people with different personalities. A prospect might not buy from a obnoxious bullshitter but buy the same product from a shy guy. I think you just hahve to be a likeable person that knows the product. People like diffferent people.
I don't believe that at all. Insurance is a numbers game and people buy from people with different personalities. A prospect might not buy from a obnoxious bullshitter but buy the same product from a shy guy. I think you just hahve to be a likeable person that knows the product. People like diffferent people.

I couldn't agree more. However, I think by definition an obnoxious bullshitter lacks the sales gene.
MY first manager asked me if any of my family members sold insurance, I said yes my gramps and an uncle. She told me I might have the sales gene. Boy I hope she is right. Its been 4 yrs and im still at it. NOt makin what I want but thats only cuz I am lazy...
It was a lazy man that invented the wheelbarrow.

No relevance to what we're talking about, but it's one of my favorite lines so I use it whenever I have the chance.
Hello MJ,

Dont let anyone talk you out of going for it. If the wiseguys shake ya up on here the clients will eat you alive. There is a few diffrent websites that are approved by the doi's that train you for the test, you just keep taking the online test untill your ready, the pass rate is strong from those who have used this service and it's not to expensive.
Steve B