The difference between selling tangible and intangible products is no greater than the difference between selling life and selling p & c. (I'm a life guy, by the way)
Sure the technicalities are different, but the root skill is the same. Think about it this way: You can be the most knowledgable person in the world about human anatomy. You can have watched a thousand operations. But if you don't have a steady hand, you can't be a surgeon. Maybe ...MAYBE... you can practice and make your hand slightly more steady, but if you're a shaker you're a shaker and you're never gonna be a surgeon.
If you don't have the sales gene, you don't have it.
I completely disagree that the basics of P&C and Life are similiar. Life requires Much MUCH more showmanship. Here's my favorite trick with life. I bring in a loaf of bread, a pair of baby shoes and a picture of a house. after getting to know the people for about 5 mins, I set up the three items on the table and say the following:
"Mr Prospect, you work to put food on the table, a roof over your head and shoes on your families feet. What would they do if you're gone?"
The look is amazing....
Along with P&C I've dealt with the most boring agents and bought from them because I had to. Not wanted to.