I Am Looking for Job

guys,is not that bad i understand and speak english very well but my writing is bad.i dont need a translate since i took my test and all my classes in english and all my the policy been sold was in english

You are making my point. Let me give you a real life example. I recently hired someone as a benefits analyst. Communication skills, either written or spoken, is a very important consideration in most positions. Before calling any of the candidates I did an on-line search and found significant amounts of information on each of them. Some of these were eliminated from the phone call stage because of what I found. Now, let's use you as an example. What if I had found this posting?
you maybe will not hire me,because the way i speak but that not stop me,i never have any problem to find a job in fact i allways been hire in the first interview.so i guess i am not that bad after all
You are making my point. Let me give you a real life example. I recently hired someone as a benefits analyst. Communication skills, either written or spoken, is a very important consideration in most positions. Before calling any of the candidates I did an on-line search and found significant amounts of information on each of them. Some of these were eliminated from the phone call stage because of what I found. Now, let's use you as an example. What if I had found this posting?

She spells better than I do. Learn spell check. My penmanship is embarrassing. And when I entered this business, straight out of construction, It was all worst.

However, my phone in better than most. I know how to use words, pauses and tone. My face to face is even better and I am one ugly SOB. So while written communication is important, maybe now more than ever, it is not the end all. IMHO y'all

I get so many leads that are only Spanish speaking. I wish I spoke Spanish, I could make a lot more money
This is a professional website where most people conduct articulate conversations with meaning. Your picture is offensive and really has no place here.