I Need Advice!!


New Member
Does anyone have any job related experience with American General and if so would you be kind enough to share. I just passed state exam last week and may be looking to contract with them. Thank you for any help.
American General is a highly rated carrier with viable products. I assume you will be selling their life and asset based products and not their group; though their group is competitive (but not as strong as it once was).

Are you being hired to sell strictly for them? Is it an American General agency? Will you be received a stipend of any kind or is this straight commission? Will they be training you too?

Best of luck and congratulations on passing your state exam.
Thank You Very much David for your reply...I am being hired to sell strictly for them. It is an American General Agency here in Alabama. I get the 17 week training allowance & then on my own. I am very goal oriented and performance driven. I was told that I could get off of the training allowance as soon as I wanted. I have so many marketing ideas I want to try to build myself a customer base. I was approached by NY Life to work with them however I am concerned about the dollars that are being spent in this economy. I really am impressed with the product line of AGLA.. I feel it is personally easier to make a 30 minute presentation than to try to use a presentation with NYL that may take me an hour or more. I just dont think I can hold the customer's attention that length of time. I have done a bit of market testing in the last week and the overwhelming majority of people I speak with can commit to a couple of hours wages per week for insurance coverage versus a larger amount. I believe I am seeing this right. Thank You in advance for any reply.
You need to look at the big picture as well as your skills. Inaddition, you also need to know your market. If you are marketing in thelow to middle-income market, perhaps you are correct. Nevertheless, youwill be surprised at what people will set aside once they realize how much helpyou are providing.

Remember, if you are selling permanent insurance there is a cost and thebenefit is more long-term. If you are selling cheap, then that is theyclientele you will draw. The issue there is where that will take you inthe long run.

These are just questions and issues that I have seen develop over theyears. I was trained by NYLIC and spent 16 1/2 years there before turningindependent. Wherever you land, keep your eyes open, and join your localNAIFA (National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors) chapter. It is there you will learn much about the industry, new ideas, sellingtechniques, etc.

Good luck!
Thank You Mr David!!
You made some interesting points that will cause me to further evaluate my decision.
Thank You Again

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